import os.path, copy, sys def checkSymbol(conf, header, library=None, symbol=None, autoadd=True, critical=False, pkgName=None): env = conf.env if library is None: library = "c" # Standard library autoadd = False if pkgName is not None: origLibPath = copy.copy(env.get("LIBPATH", None)) origLibs = copy.copy(env.get("LIBS", None)) origLinkFlags = copy.copy(env.get("LINKFLAGS", None)) origCppFlags = copy.copy(env.get("CPPFLAGS", None)) origCppPath = copy.copy(env.get("CPPPATH", None)) origCcFlags = copy.copy(env.get("CCFLAGS", None)) origAsFlags = copy.copy(env.get("ASFLAGS", None)) try: env.ParseConfig("pkg-config --silence-errors %s --cflags --libs" % pkgName) except: pass else: # I see no other way of checking that the parsing succeeded, if it did add no more linking parameters if env["LIBS"] != origLibs: autoadd = False try: if not conf.CheckCHeader(header, include_quotes="<>"): raise ConfigurationError("missing header %s" % header) if symbol is not None and not conf.CheckLib(library, symbol, language="C", autoadd=autoadd): raise ConfigurationError("missing symbol %s in library %s" % (symbol, library)) except ConfigurationError: if pkgName is not None: # Restore any changes made by ParseConfig if origLibPath is not None: env["LIBPATH"] = origLibPath if origLibs is not None: env["LIBS"] = origLibs if origLinkFlags is not None: env["LINKFLAGS"] = origLinkFlags if origCppFlags is not None: env["CPPFLAGS"] = origCppFlags if origCppPath is not None: env["CPPPATH"] = origCppPath if origCcFlags is not None: env["CCFLAGS"] = origCcFlags if origAsFlags is not None: env["ASFLAGS"] = origAsFlags if not critical: return False raise return True Import("env", "Platform", "Posix", "ConfigurationError") # Store all signatures in one file, otherwise .sconsign files will get installed along with our own files env.SConsignFile() neededLibs = [] optionalImpls = {} if Platform in Posix: neededLibs += [("pthread", "pthread.h", "pthread_create"), ("m", "math.h", "sin")] if env["useALSA"]: optionalImpls["ALSA"] = ("asound", "alsa/asoundlib.h", "snd_pcm_open") if env["useJACK"]: optionalImpls["JACK"] = ("jack", "jack/jack.h", "jack_client_new") if env["useOSS"]: # TODO: It looks like the prefix for soundcard.h depends on the platform optionalImpls["OSS"] = ("oss", "sys/soundcard.h", None) else: raise ConfigurationError("unknown platform %s" % Platform) if Platform == "darwin": env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-framework CoreAudio", "-framework AudioToolBox"]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_USE_COREAUDIO"]) elif Platform == "cygwin": env.Append(LIBS=["winmm"]) elif Platform == "irix": neededLibs += [("audio", "dmedia/audio.h", "alOpenPort"), ("dmedia", "dmedia/dmedia.h", "dmGetUST")] env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_USE_SGI"]) def CheckCTypeSize(context, tp): context.Message("Checking the size of C type %s..." % tp) ret = context.TryRun(""" #include int main() { printf("%%d", sizeof(%s)); return 0; } """ % tp, ".c") if not ret[0]: context.Result(" Couldn't obtain size of type %s!" % tp) return None assert ret[1] sz = int(ret[1]) context.Result("%d" % sz) return sz if sys.byteorder == "little": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_LITTLE_ENDIAN"]) elif sys.byteorder == "big": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_BIG_ENDIAN"]) else: raise ConfigurationError("unknown byte order: %s" % sys.byteorder) if env["enableDebugOutput"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_ENABLE_DEBUG_OUTPUT"]) # Start configuration conf = env.Configure(log_file="sconf.log", custom_tests={"CheckCTypeSize": CheckCTypeSize}) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_SHORT=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("short")]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_INT=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("int")]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_LONG=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("long")]) if checkSymbol(conf, "time.h", "rt", "clock_gettime"): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME"]) if checkSymbol(conf, "time.h", "nanosleep"): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["HAVE_NANOSLEEP"]) for lib, hdr, sym in neededLibs: checkSymbol(conf, hdr, lib, sym, critical=True) for name, val in optionalImpls.items(): lib, hdr, sym = val if checkSymbol(conf, hdr, lib, sym, critical=False, pkgName=name.lower()): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_USE_%s=1" % name.upper()]) # Configuration finished env = conf.Finish() CommonSources = [os.path.join("pa_common", f) for f in "pa_allocation.c pa_converters.c pa_cpuload.c pa_dither.c pa_front.c \ pa_process.c pa_skeleton.c pa_stream.c pa_trace.c".split()] ImplSources = [] if Platform in Posix: env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS=["-pthread"]) BaseCFlags = "-Wall -pedantic -pipe -pthread" DebugCFlags = "-g" OptCFlags = "-O2" ImplSources += [os.path.join("pa_unix", f) for f in "pa_unix_hostapis.c pa_unix_util.c".split()] if "ALSA" in optionalImpls: ImplSources.append(os.path.join("pa_linux_alsa", "pa_linux_alsa.c")) if "JACK" in optionalImpls: ImplSources.append(os.path.join("pa_jack", "pa_jack.c")) if "OSS" in optionalImpls: ImplSources.append(os.path.join("pa_unix_oss", "pa_unix_oss.c")) env["CCFLAGS"] = BaseCFlags if env["enableDebug"]: env["CCFLAGS"] += " " + DebugCFlags if env["enableOptimize"]: env["CCFLAGS"] += " " + OptCFlags if not env["enableAsserts"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["-DNDEBUG"]) if env["customCFlags"]: env["CCFLAGS"] += " " + env["customCFlags"] sources = CommonSources + ImplSources if env["enableShared"]: sharedLib = env.SharedLibrary(target="portaudio", source=sources) else: sharedLib = None staticLib = env.StaticLibrary(target="portaudio", source=sources) if Platform in Posix: prefix = env["prefix"] env.Alias("install", env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, "include"), os.path.join("pa_common", "portaudio.h"))) if env["enableStatic"]: env.Alias("install", env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, "lib"), staticLib)) def symlink(env, target, source): trgt = str(target[0]) src = str(source[0]) print trgt, src if os.path.exists(trgt): os.remove(trgt) os.symlink("", trgt) if env["enableShared"]: env.Alias("install", env.InstallAs(target=os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "%s.0.0.19") % sharedLib[0], source=sharedLib)) env.Alias("install", env.Command(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", ""), sharedLib, symlink)) testNames = ["patest_sine", "paqa_devs", "paqa_errs", "patest1", "patest_buffer", "patest_callbackstop", "patest_clip", \ "patest_dither", "patest_hang", "patest_in_overflow", "patest_latency", "patest_leftright", "patest_longsine", \ "patest_many", "patest_maxsines", "patest_multi_sine", "patest_out_underflow", "patest_pink", "patest_prime", \ "patest_read_record", "patest_record", "patest_ringmix", "patest_saw", "patest_sine8", "patest_sine", \ "patest_sine_time", "patest_start_stop", "patest_stop", "patest_sync", \ "patest_toomanysines", "patest_underflow", "patest_wire", "patest_write_sine", "pa_devs", "pa_fuzz", "pa_minlat"] # The test directory ("bin") should be in the top-level PA directory, the calling script should ensure that SCons doesn't # switch current directory by calling SConscriptChdir(False). Specifying an absolute directory for each target means it won't # be relative to the build directory tests = [env.Program(target=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "bin", name), source=[os.path.join("pa_tests", name + ".c"), staticLib]) for name in testNames] Return("sources", "sharedLib", "staticLib")