// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time. = WSJT-X User Guide :Revision: {VERSION} // For web-pages, adding :badges: is ok, but is a security issue for // package building .deb, .rpm, etc as it exposes the IP address and the images // are non-free, so can't be included as part of the Debian package. // :badges: :icons: :numbered: :keywords: amateur radio weak signal communication K1JT WSJT JT65 JT9 :description: Software for Amateur Radio Weak-Signal Communication :prog: WSJT-X // use global link file include::../common/links.adoc[] // These [[xxxx]] labels are HTML anchors, and can be used to // navigate though the document easily: <> will // place a hyper-link in your text to take you too the anchored section. // All major sections or points of interest should have one. // == is level (2), section 1.0, === would mean section 1.1, === would // be section 1.1.1. This method is used throughout the document. [[INTRO]] == Introduction include::introduction.adoc[] [[SYSREQ]] == System Requirements include::system-requirements.adoc[] [[INSTALL]] == Installation Installation packages for Windows, Linux, and OS X are found on the the {homepage}. Click on the _WSJT-X_ link at the left margin, and then select the appropriate package for your operating system. [[INSTALL_WIN]] === Windows include::install-windows.adoc[] [[INSTALL_LINUX]] === Linux include::install-linux.adoc[] [[INSTALL_OSX]] === Macintosh OS X include::install-mac.adoc[] //// [[SRC_CODE]] === Source Code include::install-from-source.adoc[] //// [[CONFIG]] == Settings Select *Settings* from the *File* menu or by typing *F2* (on Macintosh, *Command* or *Cmd*). The following sections describe setup optiions available on each of seven tabs selectable near the top of the window. [[GENERAL]] === General include::settings-general.adoc[] [[RADIO]] === Radio include::settings-radio.adoc[] [[AUDIO]] === Audio include::settings-audio.adoc[] [[TXMACROS]] === Tx Macros include::settings-txmacros.adoc[] [[REPORTING]] === Reporting include::settings-reporting.adoc[] [[BAND_SETTINGS]] === Frequencies include::settings-frequencies.adoc[] [[COLORS]] === Colors include::settings-colors.adoc[] [[TRANSCEIVER]] == Transceiver Setup include::transceiver-setup.adoc[] [[TUTORIAL]] == Basic Operating Tutorial [[TUT_MAIN]] === Main Window Settings include::tutorial-main-window.adoc[] [[TUT_WIDE_GRAPH]] === Wide Graph Settings include::tutorial-wide-graph-settings.adoc[] [[TUT_EX1]] === Sample File 1 include::tutorial-example1.adoc[] [[TUT_EX2]] === Sample File 2 include::tutorial-example2.adoc[] [[MAKE_QSOS]] == Making QSOs include::make-qso.adoc[] [[COMMAND_REF]] == Command Reference [[CONTROLS_WIDE]] === Wide Graph include::controls-functions-wide-graph.adoc[] [[CONTROLS_MAIN]] === Main Window include::controls-functions-main-window.adoc[] [[CONTROLS_LEFT]] === Controls Left include::controls-functions-left.adoc[] [[CONTROLS_CENTER]] === Controls Center include::controls-functions-center.adoc[] [[CONTROLS_MSGS]] === Tx Messages include::controls-functions-messages.adoc[] [[STATUS_BAR]] === Status Bar include::controls-functions-status-bar.adoc[] [[MENUS]] === Menus include::controls-functions-menus.adoc[] [[LOGGING]] == Logging include::logging.adoc[] [[COOP_PGMS]] == Cooperating Programs include::cooperating-programs.adoc[] [[PLATFORM]] == Platform Dependencies include::platform-dependencies.adoc[] [[FAQ]] == Frequently Asked Questions include::faq.adoc[] [[PROTOCOLS]] == Protocol Specifications [[JT65PRO]] === JT65 include::jt65-protocol.adoc[] [[JT9PRO]] === JT9 include::jt9-protocol.adoc[] [[JT65_JT9]] === JT65 & JT9 Differences include::jt65-jt9-differences.adoc[] [[TXRX]] == Implementation Details include::tx-rx.adoc[] //// [[TROUBLE_SHOOTING]] == Troubleshooting To be added (?) ... //// [[UTIL]] == Utility Programs include::utilities.adoc[] [[ACK]] == Acknowledgements include::acknowledgements.adoc[] [[LICENSE]] == License include::../common/license.adoc[]