// Status=review - Click the *Stop* button on the main window to halt any data acquisition. - Select *JT9* from the *Mode* menu and *Deep* from the *Decode* menu. - Set the audio frequencies to *Tx 1224 Hz* and *Rx 1224 Hz*. TIP: Sliders and spinner controls respond to *Arrow* key presses and *Page Up/Down* key presses, with the *Page* keys moving the controls in larger steps. You can also type numbers directly into the spinner controls or use the mouse wheel. - Select *Tab 2* (below the *Decode* button) to choose the alternative set of controls for generating and selecting Tx messages. [[DOWNLOAD_SAMPLES]] === Download Samples - Select *Download samples...* from the *Help* menu. - Download some or all of the available sample files using checkboxes on the screen shown below. For this tutorial you will need at least the JT9 and JT9+JT65 files. image::download_samples.png[align="center",alt="Downlod Samples"] TIP: For this download to work automatically, certain OpenSSL libraries must be present in your system. United States export laws forbid the inclusion of OpenSSL libraries in our installer package. However, you may install them yourself. For Windows you can get an approved package here: http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html. You will need at least the *Win32 v1.0.2j Light* package. Take the default options in the installer, particularly the option to install into the Windows system directory.