! ! readwav - open and read the header of a WAV format file ! ! On successful exit the file is left positioned at the start of the ! data. ! ! Example of usage: ! ! use readwav ! integer*2 sample ! type(wav_header) wav ! call wav%read ('file.wav') ! write (*,*) 'Sample rate is: ', wav%audio_format%sample_rate ! do i=0,wav%data_size ! read (unit=wav%lun) sample ! ! process sample ! end do ! module readwav implicit none type format_chunk integer*2 audio_format integer*2 num_channels integer sample_rate integer byte_rate integer*2 block_align integer*2 bits_per_sample end type format_chunk type, public :: wav_header integer :: lun type(format_chunk) :: audio_format integer :: data_size contains procedure :: read end type wav_header private contains subroutine read (this, filename) implicit none type riff_descriptor character(len=4) :: id integer :: size end type riff_descriptor class(wav_header), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename integer :: filepos type(riff_descriptor) :: desc character(len=4) :: riff_type open (newunit=this%lun, file=filename, access='stream', form='unformatted', status='old') read (unit=this%lun) desc,riff_type inquire (unit=this%lun, pos=filepos) do read (unit=this%lun, pos=filepos) desc inquire (unit=this%lun, pos=filepos) if (desc%id .eq. 'fmt ') then read (unit=this%lun) this%audio_format else if (desc%id .eq. 'data') then this%data_size = desc%size exit end if filepos = filepos + (desc%size + 1) / 2 * 2 ! pad to even alignment end do end subroutine read end module readwav