subroutine fast_decode(id2,narg,ntrperiod,bShMsgs,line,pchk_file, & mycall_12,hiscall_12) parameter (NMAX=30*12000) integer*2 id2(NMAX) integer*2 id2a(NMAX) integer*2 id2b(NMAX) integer narg(0:14) logical*1 bShMsgs real dat(30*12000) complex cdat(262145),cdat2(262145) real psavg(450) logical pick,first character*6 cfile6 character*80 line(100) character*512 pchk_file character*12 mycall_12,hiscall_12 character*6 mycall,hiscall data first/.true./ save npts,cdat,cdat2,id2a,id2b if(first) then id2a=0 id2b=0 first=.false. endif mycall=mycall_12(1:6) hiscall=hiscall_12(1:6) nutc=narg(0) ndat0=narg(1) nsubmode=narg(2) newdat=narg(3) minsync=narg(4) npick=narg(5) t0=0.001*narg(6) t1=0.001*narg(7) maxlines=narg(8) nmode=narg(9) nrxfreq=narg(10) ntol=narg(11) nhashcalls=narg(12) line(1:100)(1:1)=char(0) if( go to 900 if( go to 900 if(nmode.eq.102) then call fast9(id2,narg,line) go to 900 else if(nmode.eq.103) then call jtmsk_decode(id2,narg,line) go to 900 else if(nmode.eq.104) then if(newdat.eq.1) then id2b=id2a id2a=id2 endif ia=max(1,nint(t0*12000.0)) ib=nint(t1*12000.0) if(*12000) ib=ntrperiod*12000 nz=ib-ia+1 ! print*,ia,ib,nz,ndat0,t0,t1 if( go to 900 !### TEMPORARILY DISABLE PICK DECODES ### if(newdat.eq.1 .or. npick.le.1) then call msk144_decode(id2(ia),nz,nutc,0,pchk_file,mycall,hiscall, & bShMsgs,ntol,t0,line) else call msk144_decode(id2b(ia),nz,nutc,0,pchk_file,mycall,hiscall, & bShMsgs,ntol,t0,line) endif go to 900 endif if(newdat.eq.1) then cdat2=cdat ndat=ndat0 call wav11(id2,ndat,dat) ndat=min(ndat,30*11025) call ana932(dat,ndat,cdat,npts) !Make downsampled analytic signal endif ! Now cdat() is the downsampled analytic signal. ! New sample rate = fsample = BW = 11025 * (9/32) = 3100.78125 Hz ! NB: npts, nsps, etc., are all reduced by 9/32 write(cfile6,'(i6.6)') nutc nfreeze=1 mousedf=0 mousebutton=0 mode4=1 if(nsubmode.eq.1) mode4=2 nafc=0 ndebug=0 t2=0. ia=1 ib=npts pick=.false. if( then pick=.true. dt=1.0/11025.0 * (32.0/9.0) ia=t0/dt + 1. ib=t1/dt + 1. t2=t0 endif jz=ib-ia+1 line(1:100)(1:1)=char(0) if(npick.eq.2) then call iscat(cdat2(ia),jz,3,40,t2,pick,cfile6,minsync,ntol,NFreeze, & MouseDF,mousebutton,mode4,nafc,ndebug,psavg,nmax,nlines,line) else call iscat(cdat(ia),jz,3,40,t2,pick,cfile6,minsync,ntol,NFreeze, & MouseDF,mousebutton,mode4,nafc,ndebug,psavg,maxlines,nlines,line) endif 900 return end subroutine fast_decode