subroutine pack77_02(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) character*13 w(19),c13 character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,grid6 logical ok1,is_grid6 is_grid6(grid6)=len(trim(grid6)).eq.6 .and. & grid6(1:1).ge.'A' .and. grid6(1:1).le.'R' .and. & grid6(2:2).ge.'A' .and. grid6(2:2).le.'R' .and. & grid6(3:3).ge.'0' .and. grid6(3:3).le.'9' .and. & grid6(4:4).ge.'0' .and. grid6(4:4).le.'9' .and. & grid6(5:5).ge.'A' .and. grid6(5:5).le.'X' .and. & grid6(6:6).ge.'A' .and. grid6(6:6).le.'X' call chkcall(w(1),bcall_1,ok1) if(.not.ok1) return !bcall_1 must be a valid basecall if( .or. return !nwords must be 3 or 4 nx=-1 if( read(w(nwords-1),*,err=2) nx 2 if( .or. return !Exchange between 520001 - 594095 if(.not.is_grid6(w(nwords)(1:6))) return !Last word must be a valid grid6 ! Type 0.2: PA3XYZ/P R 590003 IO91NP 28 1 1 3 12 25 70 EU VHF contest i3=0 n3=2 ip=0 c13=w(1) i=index(w(1),'/P') if( then ip=1 c13=w(1)(1:i-1)//' ' endif call pack28(c13,n28a) ir=0 if(w(2)(1:2).eq.'R ') ir=1 irpt=nx/10000 - 52 iserial=mod(nx,10000) grid6=w(nwords)(1:6) j1=(ichar(grid6(1:1))-ichar('A'))*18*10*10*24*24 j2=(ichar(grid6(2:2))-ichar('A'))*10*10*24*24 j3=(ichar(grid6(3:3))-ichar('0'))*10*24*24 j4=(ichar(grid6(4:4))-ichar('0'))*24*24 j5=(ichar(grid6(5:5))-ichar('A'))*24 j6=(ichar(grid6(6:6))-ichar('A')) igrid6=j1+j2+j3+j4+j5+j6 write(c77,1010) n28a,ip,ir,irpt,iserial,igrid6,n3,i3 1010 format(b28.28,2b1,b3.3,b12.12,b25.25,b4.4,b3.3) return end subroutine pack77_02