subroutine hspec(id2,k,ingain,green,s,jh) ! Input: ! k pointer to the most recent new data ! Output: ! green() power ! s() spectrum for horizontal spectrogram ! jh index of most recent data in green(), s() parameter (JZ=703) integer*2 id2(0:120*12000-1) real green(0:JZ-1) real s(0:63,0:JZ-1) real x(512) complex cx(0:256) data rms/999.0/,k0/99999999/ equivalence (x,cx) save ja,rms0 gain=10.0**(0.1*ingain) nfft=512 if(*12000) go to 900 if( then jh=0 go to 900 !Wait for enough samples to start endif if( then !Start a new data block ja=0 jh=-1 rms0=0.0 endif do iblk=1,7 if( jh=jh+1 jb=ja+nfft-1 x=id2(ja:jb) sq=dot_product(x,x) rms=sqrt(gain*sq/nfft) green(jh)=0. if( green(jh)=20.0*log10(0.5*(rms0+rms)) rms0=rms call four2a(x,nfft,1,-1,0) !Real-to-complex FFT df=12000.0/nfft fac=(1.0/nfft)**2 do i=1,64 j=2*i sx=real(cx(j))**2 + aimag(cx(j))**2 + real(cx(j-1))**2 + & aimag(cx(j-1))**2 s(i-1,jh)=fac*gain*sx enddo if(ja+2* exit ja=ja+nfft enddo k0=k 900 return end subroutine hspec