subroutine osd300(llr,norder,decoded,niterations,cw) ! ! An ordered-statistics decoder based on ideas from: ! "Soft-decision decoding of linear block codes based on ordered statistics," ! by Marc P. C. Fossorier and Shu Lin, ! IEEE Trans Inf Theory, Vol 41, No 5, Sep 1995 ! include "ldpc_300_60_params.f90" integer*1 gen(K,N) integer*1 genmrb(K,N) integer*1 temp(K),m0(K),me(0:K) integer indices(N) integer*1 codeword(N),cw(N),hdec(N) integer*1 decoded(K) integer indx(N) real llr(N),rx(N),absrx(N) logical first data first/.true./ save first,gen if( first ) then ! fill the generator matrix gen=0 do i=1,M do j=1,15 read(g(i)(j:j),"(Z1)") istr do jj=1, 4 irow=(j-1)*4+jj if( btest(istr,4-jj) ) gen(irow,i)=1 enddo enddo enddo do irow=1,K gen(irow,M+irow)=1 enddo first=.false. endif ! re-order received vector to place systematic msg bits at the end rx=llr(colorder+1) ! hard decode the received word hdec=0 where(rx .ge. 0) hdec=1 ! use magnitude of received symbols as a measure of reliability. absrx=abs(rx) call indexx(absrx,N,indx) ! re-order the columns of the generator matrix in order of decreasing reliability. do i=1,N genmrb(1:K,i)=gen(1:K,indx(N+1-i)) indices(i)=indx(N+1-i) enddo ! do gaussian elimination to create a generator matrix with the most reliable ! received bits in positions 1:K in order of decreasing reliability (more or less). ! reliability will not be strictly decreasing because column re-ordering is needed ! to put the generator matrix in systematic form. the "indices" array tracks ! column permutations caused by reliability sorting and gaussian elimination. do id=1,K ! diagonal element indices do icol=id,K+20 ! The 20 is ad hoc - beware iflag=0 if( genmrb(id,icol) .eq. 1 ) then iflag=1 if( icol .ne. id ) then ! reorder column temp(1:K)=genmrb(1:K,id) genmrb(1:K,id)=genmrb(1:K,icol) genmrb(1:K,icol)=temp(1:K) itmp=indices(id) indices(id)=indices(icol) indices(icol)=itmp endif do ii=1,K if( ii .ne. id .and. genmrb(ii,id) .eq. 1 ) then genmrb(ii,1:N)=mod(genmrb(ii,1:N)+genmrb(id,1:N),2) endif enddo exit endif enddo enddo ! The hard decisions for the K MRB bits define the order 0 message, m0. ! Encode m0 using the modified generator matrix to find the "order 0" codeword. ! Flip various combinations of bits in m0 and re-encode to generate a list of ! codewords. Test all such codewords against the received word to decide which ! codeword is most likely to be correct. hdec=hdec(indices) m0=hdec(1:K) nhardmin=N j0=0 j1=0 j2=0 j3=0 if( ) j0=K if( ) j1=K if( ) j2=K if( ) j3=K ! me(0) is a dummy position --- only me(1:K) are actually used. This is done ! to avoid "if" statements within the inner loop. do i1=0,j0 do i2=i1,j1 do i3=i2,j2 do i4=i3,j3 me(1:K)=m0 me(i1)=1-me(i1) me(i2)=1-me(i2) me(i3)=1-me(i3) me(i4)=1-me(i4) ! me is the m0 + error pattern. encode this message using genmrb to ! produce a codeword. test the codeword against the received vector ! and save it if it's the best that we've seen so far. do i=1,N nsum=sum(iand(me(1:K),genmrb(1:K,i))) codeword(i)=mod(nsum,2) enddo nhard=count(codeword .ne. hdec) if( nhard .lt. nhardmin ) then cw=codeword nhardmin=nhard i1min=i1 i2min=i2 i3min=i3 i4min=i4 endif enddo enddo enddo enddo ! re-order the codeword to place message bits at the end cw(indices)=cw decoded=cw(M+1:N) niterations=1 return end subroutine osd300