A text box entitled Astronomical Data provides information needed for tracking the sun or moon, moon, compensating for EME Doppler shift, and estimating EME Doppler spread and path degradation. Toggle the *Astronomical data* on the *View* menu to display or remove this window. image::AstroData_2.png[align="center",alt="Astronomical Data"] Available information includes the current *Date* and *UTC* time; *Az* and *El*, azimuth and elevation of the moon at your own location, in degrees; *SelfDop*, *Width*, and *Delay*, the Doppler shift, full limb-to-limb Doppler spread, and delay of your own EME echoes; and *DxAz* and *DxEl*, *DxDop*, and *DxWid*, corresponding parameters for a station located at the DX Grid entered on the main window. These numbers are followed by *Dec*, the declination of the moon; *SunAz* and *SunEl*, the azimuth and elevation of the Sun; *Freq*, your stated operating frequency in MHz; *Tsky*, the estimated sky background temperature in the direction of the moon, scaled to the operating frequency; *Dpol*, the spatial polarization offset in degrees; *MNR*, the maximum non-reciprocity of the EME path in dB, owing to spatial polarization; and finally *Dgrd*, an estimate of the signal degradation in dB, relative to the best possible time with the moon at perigee in a cold part of the sky. The state of the art for establishing three-dimensional locations of the sun, moon, and planets at a specified time is embodied in a numerical model of the solar system maintained at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The model has been numerically integrated to produce tabular data that can be interpolated with very high accuracy. For example, the celestial coordinates of the moon or a planet can be determined at a specified time to within about 0.0000003 degrees. The JPL ephemeris tables and interpolation routines have been incorporated into _WSJT-X_. Further details on accuracy, especially concerning calculated EME Doppler shifts, are described in The sky background temperatures reported by _WSJT-X_ are derived from the all-sky 408 MHz map of Haslam et al. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 47, 1, 1982), scaled by frequency to the (-2.6) power. This map has angular resolution of about 1 degree, and of course most amateur EME antennas have much broader beamwidths than this. Your antenna will therefore smooth out the hot spots considerably, and the observed extremes of sky temperature will be less. Unless you understand your sidelobes and ground reflections extremely well, it is unlikely that more accurate sky temperatures would be of much practical use.