:doctype: manpage :man source: AsciiDoc :man version: {VERSION} :man manual: WSJT-X Manual = wsjtx(1) == NAME message_aggregator - Reference example UDP server == SYNOPSIS *message_aggregator* == DESCRIPTION *message_aggregator* does not serve any useful purpose other than to demonstrate the UDP message features of *WSJT-X*. It is a small GUI application that interacts with any running *WSJT-X* instances. Developers writing add on applications may find the source code of message_aggregator contained in the *WSJT-X* code repository useful. The files NetworkMessage.hpp, MessageServer.hpp, MessageClient.hpp and their associated implementations along with the application source MessageAggregator.cpp should cover all the required areas. All these files can be found at: https://sourceforge.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/HEAD/tree/branches/wsjtx/ *message_aggregator* may also be used as a multi-cast UDP server which allows multiple instances of *message_aggregator* to be run concurrently, to do this simply use a suitable multi-cast group address in *message_aggregator* and in *WSJT-X* in the "*Settings->Reporting->UDP Server*" pane e.g. or ff03::1 for a local scope group. Note that on some systems it may be necessary to add a static multi-cast route to the routing table before multi-cast traffic can be routed to sockets on the same host as the sender. == AUTHOR Bill Somerville, G4WJS. == COPYING *message_aggregator* is Copyright (C) 2015 by William Somerville, G4WJS, with contributions from additional authors. *message_aggregator* is Open Source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.