program plrs ! Pseudo-Linrad "Send" program. Reads recorded Linrad data from "*.tf2" ! files, and multicasts it as Linrad would do for timf2 data. integer RMODE parameter(RMODE=0) parameter (NBPP=1392) parameter (NZ=60*96000) parameter (NBYTES=8*NZ) parameter (NPPR=NBYTES/NBPP) integer*1 userx_no,iusb integer*2 nblock real*8 d(NZ),buf8 integer fd integer open,read,close integer nm(11) character*8 fname,arg,cjunk*1 logical fast,pause real*8 center_freq,dmsec,dtmspacket,tmsec common/plrscom/center_freq,msec2,fsample,iptr,nblock,userx_no,iusb,buf8(174) data nm/45,46,48,50,52,54,55,56,57,58,59/ data nblock/0/,fast/.false./,pause/.false./ nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: plrs ' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) if(arg(1:1).eq.'f' .or. arg(1:1).eq.'p') fast=.true. if(arg(1:1).eq.'p') pause=.true. call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) nfiles call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) iters call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) iwait if( then 1 if(mod(int(sec_midn()),60).eq.0) go to 2 call sleep_msec(100) go to 1 endif 2 fname="all.tf2"//char(0) userx_no=0 iusb=1 center_freq=144.125d0 dtmspacket=1000.d0*NBPP/(8.d0*96000.d0) fsample=96000.0 npkt=0 call setup_ssocket !Open a socket for multicasting do iter=1,iters fd=open(fname,RMODE) !Open file for reading dmsec=-dtmspacket nsec0=sec_midn() do ifile=1,nfiles ns0=0 tmsec=1000*(3600*7 + 60*nm(ifile))-dtmspacket nr=read(fd,d,NBYTES) if( then print*,'Error reading file all.tf2' go to 999 endif k=0 do ipacket=1,NPPR dmsec=dmsec+dtmspacket tmsec=tmsec+dtmspacket msec2=nint(tmsec) msec=nint(dmsec) do i=1,NBPP/8 k=k+1 buf8(i)=d(k) enddo nblock=nblock+1 call send_pkt(center_freq) npkt=npkt+1 if(mod(npkt,100).eq.0) then nsec=int(sec_midn())-nsec0 nwait=msec-1000*nsec ! Pace the data at close to its real-time rate if( .and. call usleep(nwait*1000) endif ns=mod(msec2/1000,60) if( write(*,1010) ns,center_freq,0.001*msec2,sec_midn() 1010 format('ns:',i3,' f0:',f10.3,' t1:',f10.3,' t2:',f10.3) ns0=ns enddo if(pause) then print*,'Type anything to continue:' read(*,*) cjunk,pause,fast endif enddo i=close(fd) enddo 999 end program plrs ! To compile: % gfortran -o plrs plrs.f90 plrs_subs.c cutil.c