subroutine downsam9(id2,npts8,nsps8,newdat,nspsd,fpk,c2) !Downsample from id2() into c2() so as to yield nspsd samples per symbol, !mixing from fpk down to zero frequency. The downsample factor is 432. use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use FFTW3 use timer_module, only: timer include 'constants.f90' integer(C_SIZE_T) NMAX1 parameter (NMAX1=653184) parameter (NFFT1=653184,NFFT2=1512) type(C_PTR) :: plan !Pointers plan for big FFT integer*2 id2(0:8*npts8-1) logical, intent(inout) :: newdat real*4, pointer :: x1(:) complex c1(0:NFFT1/2) complex c2(0:NFFT2-1) real s(5000) logical first common/patience/npatience,nthreads data first/.true./ save plan,first,c1,s,x1 df1=12000.0/NFFT1 npts=8*npts8 if( npts=NFFT1 !### Fix! ### if(first) then nflags=FFTW_ESTIMATE if(npatience.eq.1) nflags=FFTW_ESTIMATE_PATIENT if(npatience.eq.2) nflags=FFTW_MEASURE if(npatience.eq.3) nflags=FFTW_PATIENT if(npatience.eq.4) nflags=FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE ! Plan the FFTs just once !$omp critical(fftw) ! serialize non thread-safe FFTW3 calls plan=fftwf_alloc_real(NMAX1) call c_f_pointer(plan,x1,[NMAX1]) x1(0:NMAX1-1) => x1 !remap bounds call fftwf_plan_with_nthreads(nthreads) plan=fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d(NFFT1,x1,c1,nflags) call fftwf_plan_with_nthreads(1) !$omp end critical(fftw) first=.false. endif if(newdat) then x1(0:npts-1)=id2(0:npts-1) x1(npts:NFFT1-1)=0. !Zero the rest of x1 call timer('FFTbig9 ',0) call fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(plan,x1,c1) call timer('FFTbig9 ',1) nadd=int(1.0/df1) s=0. do i=1,5000 j=int((i-1)/df1) do n=1,nadd j=j+1 s(i)=s(i)+real(c1(j))**2 + aimag(c1(j))**2 enddo enddo newdat=.false. endif ndown=8*nsps8/nspsd !Downsample factor = 432 nh2=NFFT2/2 nf=nint(fpk) i0=int(fpk/df1) nw=100 ia=max(1,nf-nw) ib=min(5000,nf+nw) call pctile(s(ia),ib-ia+1,40,avenoise) fac=sqrt(1.0/avenoise) do i=0,NFFT2-1 j=i0+i if( j=j-NFFT2 c2(i)=fac*c1(j) enddo call four2a(c2,NFFT2,1,1,1) !FFT back to time domain return end subroutine downsam9