subroutine ft8b_2(dd0,newdat,nQSOProgress,nfqso,nftx,ndepth,lapon,lapcqonly, & napwid,lsubtract,nagain,iaptype,mycall12,mygrid6,hiscall12,bcontest, & sync0,f1,xdt,xbase,apsym,nharderrors,dmin,nbadcrc,ipass,iera,msg37,xsnr) use crc use timer_module, only: timer include 'ft8_params.f90' parameter(NP2=2812) character*37 msg37 character message*22,msgsent*22 character*12 mycall12,hiscall12 character*6 mycall6,mygrid6,hiscall6,c1,c2 character*87 cbits logical bcontest real a(5) real s1(0:7,ND),s2(0:7,NN),s1sort(8*ND) real ps(0:7),psl(0:7) real bmeta(3*ND),bmetb(3*ND),bmetap(3*ND) real llr(3*ND),llra(3*ND),llrb(3*ND),llrd(3*ND) !Soft symbols real dd0(15*12000) integer*1 decoded(91),decoded0(91),apmask(3*ND),cw(3*ND) integer*1 msgbits(91) integer apsym(91) integer mcq(28),mde(28),mrrr(16),m73(16),mrr73(16) integer itone(NN) integer indxs1(8*ND) integer icos7(0:6),ip(1) integer nappasses(0:5) !Number of decoding passes to use for each QSO state integer naptypes(0:5,4) ! (nQSOProgress, decoding pass) maximum of 4 passes for now integer*1, target:: i1hiscall(12) complex cd0(3200) complex ctwk(32) complex csymb(32) logical first,newdat,lsubtract,lapon,lapcqonly,nagain equivalence (s1,s1sort) data icos7/3,1,4,0,6,5,2/ ! Flipped w.r.t. original FT8 sync array data mcq/1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1/ data mrrr/0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1/ data m73/0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0/ data mde/1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1/ data mrr73/0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1/ data first/.true./ save nappasses,naptypes ! All of the AP-related code in this routine needs to be re-written! AP decoding ! passes are disabled for now. ! if(first) then mcq=2*mcq-1 mde=2*mde-1 mrrr=2*mrrr-1 m73=2*m73-1 mrr73=2*mrr73-1 nappasses(0)=2 nappasses(1)=2 nappasses(2)=2 nappasses(3)=4 nappasses(4)=4 nappasses(5)=3 ! iaptype !------------------------ ! 1 CQ ??? ??? ! 2 MyCall ??? ??? ! 3 MyCall DxCall ??? ! 4 MyCall DxCall RRR ! 5 MyCall DxCall 73 ! 6 MyCall DxCall RR73 ! 7 ??? DxCall ??? naptypes(0,1:4)=(/1,2,0,0/) naptypes(1,1:4)=(/2,3,0,0/) naptypes(2,1:4)=(/2,3,0,0/) naptypes(3,1:4)=(/3,4,5,6/) naptypes(4,1:4)=(/3,4,5,6/) naptypes(5,1:4)=(/3,1,2,0/) first=.false. endif max_iterations=30 nharderrors=-1 fs2=12000.0/NDOWN dt2=1.0/fs2 twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) delfbest=0. ibest=0 call timer('ft8_down',0) call ft8_downsample(dd0,newdat,f1,cd0) !Mix f1 to baseband and downsample call timer('ft8_down',1) i0=nint((xdt+0.5)*fs2) !Initial guess for start of signal smax=0.0 do idt=i0-8,i0+8 !Search over +/- one quarter symbol call sync8d(cd0,idt,ctwk,0,2,sync) if( then smax=sync ibest=idt endif enddo xdt2=ibest*dt2 !Improved estimate for DT ! Now peak up in frequency i0=nint(xdt2*fs2) smax=0.0 do ifr=-5,5 !Search over +/- 2.5 Hz delf=ifr*0.5 dphi=twopi*delf*dt2 phi=0.0 do i=1,32 ctwk(i)=cmplx(cos(phi),sin(phi)) phi=mod(phi+dphi,twopi) enddo call sync8d(cd0,i0,ctwk,1,2,sync) if( sync .gt. smax ) then smax=sync delfbest=delf endif enddo a=0.0 a(1)=-delfbest call twkfreq1(cd0,NP2,fs2,a,cd0) xdt=xdt2 f1=f1+delfbest !Improved estimate of DF call sync8d(cd0,i0,ctwk,2,2,sync) j=0 do k=1,NN i1=ibest+(k-1)*32 csymb=cmplx(0.0,0.0) if( .and. i1+31 .le. NP2 ) csymb=cd0(i1:i1+31) call four2a(csymb,32,1,-1,1) s2(0:7,k)=abs(csymb(1:8))/1e3 enddo ! sync quality check is1=0 is2=0 is3=0 do k=1,7 ip=maxloc(s2(:,k)) if(icos7(k-1).eq.(ip(1)-1)) is1=is1+1 ip=maxloc(s2(:,k+36)) if(icos7(k-1).eq.(ip(1)-1)) is2=is2+1 ip=maxloc(s2(:,k+72)) if(icos7(k-1).eq.(ip(1)-1)) is3=is3+1 enddo ! hard sync sum - max is 21 nsync=is1+is2+is3 if(nsync .le. 6) then ! bail out nbadcrc=1 return endif j=0 do k=1,NN if(k.le.7) cycle if( .and. k.le.43) cycle if( cycle j=j+1 s1(0:7,j)=s2(0:7,k) enddo call indexx(s1sort,8*ND,indxs1) xmeds1=s1sort(indxs1(nint(0.5*8*ND))) s1=s1/xmeds1 do j=1,ND i4=3*j-2 i2=3*j-1 i1=3*j ! Max amplitude ps=s1(0:7,j) ! For Gray bit-to-symbol mapping r1=max(ps(1),ps(2),ps(5),ps(6))-max(ps(0),ps(3),ps(4),ps(7)) r2=max(ps(2),ps(3),ps(4),ps(5))-max(ps(0),ps(1),ps(6),ps(7)) r4=max(ps(4),ps(5),ps(6),ps(7))-max(ps(0),ps(1),ps(2),ps(3)) bmeta(i4)=r4 bmeta(i2)=r2 bmeta(i1)=r1 ! Max log metric psl=log(ps+1e-32) ! Gray bit-to-symbol mapping r1=max(psl(1),psl(2),psl(5),psl(6))-max(psl(0),psl(3),psl(4),ps(7)) r2=max(psl(2),psl(3),psl(4),psl(5))-max(psl(0),psl(1),psl(6),ps(7)) r4=max(psl(4),psl(5),psl(6),psl(7))-max(psl(0),psl(1),psl(2),ps(3)) bmetb(i4)=r4 bmetb(i2)=r2 bmetb(i1)=r1 enddo call normalizebmet(bmeta,3*ND) call normalizebmet(bmetb,3*ND) bmetap=bmeta scalefac=2.83 llra=scalefac*bmeta llrb=scalefac*bmetb apmag=scalefac*(maxval(abs(bmetap))*1.01) ! pass # !------------------------------ ! 1 regular decoding ! 2 erase 24 ! 3 erase 48 ! 4 ap pass 1 ! 5 ap pass 2 ! 6 ap pass 3 ! 7 ap pass 4, etc. if(lapon) then if(.not.lapcqonly) then npasses=4+nappasses(nQSOProgress) else npasses=5 endif else npasses=4 endif do ipass=1,npasses ! do ipass=1,2 llrd=llra if(ipass.eq.2) llrd=llrb if(ipass.eq.3) llrd(1:24)=0. if(ipass.eq.4) llrd(1:48)=0. if(ipass.le.4) then apmask=0 iaptype=0 endif if(ipass .gt. 4) then if(.not.lapcqonly) then iaptype=naptypes(nQSOProgress,ipass-4) else iaptype=1 endif if( .and. (abs(f1-nfqso).gt.napwid .and. abs(f1-nftx).gt.napwid) ) cycle if(iaptype.eq.1 .or. iaptype.eq.2 ) then ! AP,???,??? apmask=0 apmask(1:27)=1 ! first 27 bits (9 tones) are AP if(iaptype.eq.1) llrd(1:27)=apmag*mcq(1:27) if(iaptype.eq.2) llrd(1:27)=apmag*apsym(1:27) endif if(iaptype.eq.3) then ! mycall, dxcall, ??? apmask=0 apmask(1:54)=1 llrd(1:54)=apmag*apsym(1:54) endif if(iaptype.eq.4 .or. iaptype.eq.5 .or. iaptype.eq.6) then apmask=0 apmask(1:72)=1 ! mycall, hiscall, RRR|73|RR73 llrd(1:56)=apmag*apsym(1:56) if(iaptype.eq.4) llrd(57:72)=apmag*mrrr if(iaptype.eq.5) llrd(57:72)=apmag*m73 if(iaptype.eq.6) llrd(57:72)=apmag*mrr73 endif if(iaptype.eq.7) then ! ???, dxcall, ??? apmask=0 apmask(31:54)=1 ! hiscall llrd(31:54)=apmag*apsym(31:54) endif endif cw=0 call timer('bpd174_91 ',0) call bpdecode174_91(llrd,apmask,max_iterations,decoded,cw,nharderrors, & niterations) call timer('bpd174_91 ',1) dmin=0.0 if(ndepth.eq.3 .and. then ndeep=3 if(abs(nfqso-f1).le.napwid .or. abs(nftx-f1).le.napwid) then if((ipass.eq.3 .or. ipass.eq.4) .and. .not.nagain) then ndeep=3 else ndeep=4 endif endif if(nagain) ndeep=5 call timer('osd174_91 ',0) call osd174_91(llrd,apmask,ndeep,decoded,cw,nharderrors,dmin) call timer('osd174_91 ',1) endif nbadcrc=1 message=' ' xsnr=-99.0 if(count(cw.eq.0).eq.174) cycle !Reject the all-zero codeword if( .and. .and. & .not.( .and. .and. & .not.( .and. .and. & .not.(ipass.eq.4 .and. & ) then call chkcrc14a(decoded,nbadcrc) else nharderrors=-1 cycle endif i5bit=16*decoded(73) + 8*decoded(74) + 4*decoded(75) + 2*decoded(76) + decoded(77) iFreeText=decoded(57) if(nbadcrc.eq.0) then decoded0=decoded if(i5bit.eq.1) decoded(57:)=0 call extractmessage174_91(decoded,message,ncrcflag) decoded=decoded0 ! This needs fixing for messages with i5bit=1: call genft8_174_91(message,mygrid6,bcontest,i5bit,msgsent,msgbits,itone) if(lsubtract) call subtractft8(dd0,itone,f1,xdt2) xsig=0.0 xnoi=0.0 do i=1,79 xsig=xsig+s2(itone(i),i)**2 ios=mod(itone(i)+4,7) xnoi=xnoi+s2(ios,i)**2 enddo xsnr=0.001 if( .and. xsnr=xsig/xnoi-1.0 xsnr=10.0*log10(xsnr)-27.0 xsnr2=db(xsig/xbase - 1.0) - 32.0 if(.not.nagain) xsnr=xsnr2 if(xsnr .lt. -24.0) xsnr=-24.0 if(i5bit.eq.1) then do i=1,12 i1hiscall(i)=ichar(hiscall12(i:i)) enddo icrc10=crc10(c_loc(i1hiscall),12) write(cbits,1001) decoded 1001 format(87i1) read(cbits,1002) ncrc10,nrpt 1002 format(56x,b10,b6) irpt=nrpt-30 i1=index(message,' ') i2=index(message(i1+1:),' ') + i1 c1=message(1:i1)//' ' c2=message(i1+1:i2)//' ' if(ncrc10.eq.icrc10) msg37=c1//' RR73; '//c2//' <'// & trim(hiscall12)//'> ' if( msg37=c1//' RR73; '//c2//' <...> ' ! msg37=c1//' RR73; '//c2//' <...> ' write(msg37(35:37),1010) irpt 1010 format(i3.2) if(msg37(35:35).ne.'-') msg37(35:35)='+' iz=len(trim(msg37)) do iter=1,10 !Collapse multiple blanks ib2=index(msg37(1:iz),' ') if( exit msg37=msg37(1:ib2)//msg37(ib2+2:) iz=iz-1 enddo else msg37=message//' ' endif return endif enddo return end subroutine ft8b_2 ! This currently resides in ft8b_1.f90 !subroutine normalizebmet(bmet,n) ! real bmet(n) ! ! bmetav=sum(bmet)/real(n) ! bmet2av=sum(bmet*bmet)/real(n) ! var=bmet2av-bmetav*bmetav ! if( var .gt. 0.0 ) then ! bmetsig=sqrt(var) ! else ! bmetsig=sqrt(bmet2av) ! endif ! bmet=bmet/bmetsig ! return !end subroutine normalizebmet