#include "TraceFile.hpp" #include <stdexcept> #include <QDebug> #include <QString> #include <QFile> #include <QTextStream> #include <QMessageLogContext> #include <QDateTime> #include <QMutex> #include <QMutexLocker> #include "pimpl_impl.hpp" namespace { QMutex lock; } class TraceFile::impl { public: impl (QString const& trace_file_path); ~impl (); // no copying impl (impl const&) = delete; impl& operator = (impl const&) = delete; private: // write Qt messages to the diagnostic log file static void message_handler (QtMsgType type, QMessageLogContext const& context, QString const& msg); QFile file_; QTextStream stream_; QTextStream * original_stream_; QtMessageHandler original_handler_; static QTextStream * current_stream_; }; QTextStream * TraceFile::impl::current_stream_; // delegate to implementation class TraceFile::TraceFile (QString const& trace_file_path) : m_ {trace_file_path} { } TraceFile::~TraceFile () { } TraceFile::impl::impl (QString const& trace_file_path) : file_ {trace_file_path} , original_stream_ {current_stream_} , original_handler_ {nullptr} { // if the log file is writeable; initialise diagnostic logging to it // for append and hook up the Qt global message handler if (file_.open (QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Append | QFile::Text)) { stream_.setDevice (&file_); current_stream_ = &stream_; original_handler_ = qInstallMessageHandler (message_handler); } } TraceFile::impl::~impl () { // unhook our message handler before the stream and file are destroyed if (original_handler_) { qInstallMessageHandler (original_handler_); } current_stream_ = original_stream_; // revert to prior stream } // write Qt messages to the diagnostic log file void TraceFile::impl::message_handler (QtMsgType type, QMessageLogContext const& context, QString const& msg) { char const * severity; switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: severity = "Debug"; break; case QtWarningMsg: severity = "Warning"; break; case QtFatalMsg: severity = "Fatal"; break; default: severity = "Critical"; break; } { // guard against multiple threads with overlapping messages QMutexLocker guard (&lock); Q_ASSERT_X (current_stream_, "TraceFile:message_handler", "no stream to write to"); *current_stream_ << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ") << '(' << context.file << ':' << context.line /* << ", " << context.function */ << ')' << severity << ": " << msg.trimmed () << endl; } if (QtFatalMsg == type) { throw std::runtime_error {"Fatal Qt Error"}; } }