#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2011-07-07T08:39:24 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += network multimedia greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets CONFIG += thread #CONFIG += console TARGET = wsjtx VERSION = "Not for Release" TEMPLATE = app DEFINES = QT5 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 DEFINES += PROJECT_MANUAL="'\"http://www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx-doc/wsjtx-main.html\"'" isEmpty (DESTDIR) { DESTDIR = ../wsjtx_exp_install } isEmpty (HAMLIB_DIR) { HAMLIB_DIR = ../../hamlib3/mingw32 } isEmpty (FFTW3_DIR) { FFTW3_DIR = . } F90 = gfortran gfortran.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.o gfortran.commands = $$F90 -c -O2 -o ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} gfortran.input = F90_SOURCES QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += gfortran win32 { DEFINES += WIN32 QT += axcontainer TYPELIBS = $$system(dumpcpp -getfile {4FE359C5-A58F-459D-BE95-CA559FB4F270}) } unix { DEFINES += UNIX } # # Order matters here as the link is in this order so referrers need to be after referred # SOURCES += \ logbook/adif.cpp \ logbook/countrydat.cpp \ logbook/countriesworked.cpp \ logbook/logbook.cpp \ astro.cpp \ Radio.cpp \ NetworkServerLookup.cpp \ revision_utils.cpp \ Transceiver.cpp \ TransceiverBase.cpp \ TransceiverFactory.cpp \ PollingTransceiver.cpp \ EmulateSplitTransceiver.cpp \ HRDTransceiver.cpp \ DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver.cpp \ HamlibTransceiver.cpp \ FrequencyLineEdit.cpp \ Bands.cpp \ FrequencyList.cpp \ StationList.cpp \ ForeignKeyDelegate.cpp \ FrequencyItemDelegate.cpp \ LiveFrequencyValidator.cpp \ Configuration.cpp \ psk_reporter.cpp \ AudioDevice.cpp \ Modulator.cpp \ Detector.cpp \ logqso.cpp \ displaytext.cpp \ getfile.cpp \ soundout.cpp \ soundin.cpp \ meterwidget.cpp \ signalmeter.cpp \ WFPalette.cpp \ plotter.cpp \ widegraph.cpp \ about.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ main.cpp \ decodedtext.cpp \ messageaveraging.cpp HEADERS += qt_helpers.hpp \ pimpl_h.hpp pimpl_impl.hpp \ Radio.hpp NetworkServerLookup.hpp revision_utils.hpp \ mainwindow.h plotter.h soundin.h soundout.h astro.h \ about.h WFPalette.hpp widegraph.h getfile.h decodedtext.h \ commons.h sleep.h displaytext.h logqso.h \ Bands.hpp FrequencyList.hpp StationList.hpp ForeignKeyDelegate.hpp FrequencyItemDelegate.hpp LiveFrequencyValidator.hpp \ FrequencyLineEdit.hpp AudioDevice.hpp Detector.hpp Modulator.hpp psk_reporter.h \ Transceiver.hpp TransceiverBase.hpp TransceiverFactory.hpp PollingTransceiver.hpp \ EmulateSplitTransceiver.hpp DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver.hpp HamlibTransceiver.hpp \ Configuration.hpp \ signalmeter.h \ meterwidget.h \ logbook/logbook.h \ logbook/countrydat.h \ logbook/countriesworked.h \ logbook/adif.h \ messageaveraging.h INCLUDEPATH += qmake_only win32 { SOURCES += killbyname.cpp OmniRigTransceiver.cpp HEADERS += OmniRigTransceiver.hpp } FORMS += mainwindow.ui about.ui Configuration.ui widegraph.ui astro.ui \ logqso.ui wf_palette_design_dialog.ui \ messageaveraging.ui RC_FILE = wsjtx.rc RESOURCES = wsjtx.qrc unix { LIBS += -L lib -ljt9 LIBS += -lhamlib LIBS += -lfftw3f $$system($$F90 -print-file-name=libgfortran.so) } win32 { INCLUDEPATH += $${HAMLIB_DIR}/include INCLUDEPATH += C:\JTSDK\wsjtx_exp\build\Release INCLUDEPATH += C:\JTSDK\hamlib3\include INCLUDEPATH += C:\JTSDK\qt5\5.2.1\mingw48_32\include\QtSerialPort LIBS += -L$${HAMLIB_DIR}/lib -lhamlib LIBS += -L./lib -lastro -ljt9 LIBS += -L$${FFTW3_DIR} -lfftw3f-3 LIBS += -lws2_32 LIBS += $$system($$F90 -print-file-name=libgfortran.a) }