#include "logqso.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "logbook/logbook.h" #include "MessageBox.hpp" #include "Configuration.hpp" #include "models/Bands.hpp" #include "models/CabrilloLog.hpp" #include "validators/MaidenheadLocatorValidator.hpp" #include "ui_logqso.h" #include "moc_logqso.cpp" namespace { using dist_type = std::uniform_int_distribution; std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 twister (rd ()); dist_type int_distribution; } LogQSO::LogQSO(QString const& programTitle, QSettings * settings , Configuration const * config, QWidget *parent) : QDialog {parent, Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint} , ui(new Ui::LogQSO) , ok_ {new QPushButton {"OK", this}} , cancel_ {new QPushButton {"Cancel", this}} , m_settings (settings) , m_config {config} { ui->setupUi(this); setWindowTitle(programTitle + " - Log QSO"); ui->grid->setValidator (new MaidenheadLocatorValidator {this}); ok_->setAutoDefault (false); ok_->setFocusPolicy (Qt::ClickFocus); ok_->setStyleSheet ("background-color: green"); cancel_->setStyleSheet ("background-color: red"); cancel_->setAutoDefault (false); ui->button_layout->addStretch (); ui->button_layout->addWidget (ok_); ui->button_layout->addStretch (); ui->button_layout->addWidget (cancel_); ui->button_layout->addStretch (); loadSettings (); connect (ok_, &QAbstractButton::clicked, [this] (bool) {accept ();}); connect (cancel_, &QAbstractButton::clicked, [this] (bool) {reject ();}); } LogQSO::~LogQSO () { } void LogQSO::loadSettings () { m_settings->beginGroup ("LogQSO"); restoreGeometry (m_settings->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ()); ui->cbTxPower->setChecked (m_settings->value ("SaveTxPower", false).toBool ()); ui->cbComments->setChecked (m_settings->value ("SaveComments", false).toBool ()); m_txPower = m_settings->value ("TxPower", "").toString (); m_comments = m_settings->value ("LogComments", "").toString(); m_settings->endGroup (); } void LogQSO::storeSettings () const { m_settings->beginGroup ("LogQSO"); m_settings->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ()); m_settings->setValue ("SaveTxPower", ui->cbTxPower->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue ("SaveComments", ui->cbComments->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue ("TxPower", m_txPower); m_settings->setValue ("LogComments", m_comments); m_settings->endGroup (); } void LogQSO::initLogQSO(QString const& hisCall, QString const& hisGrid, QString mode, QString const& rptSent, QString const& rptRcvd, QDateTime const& dateTimeOn, QDateTime const& dateTimeOff, Radio::Frequency dialFreq, bool noSuffix, QString xSent, QString xRcvd, CabrilloLog * cabrillo_log) { if(!isHidden()) return; ui->call->setText (hisCall); ui->grid->setText (hisGrid); ui->name->clear (); if (ui->cbTxPower->isChecked ()) { ui->txPower->setText (m_txPower); } else { ui->txPower->clear (); } if (ui->cbComments->isChecked ()) { ui->comments->setText (m_comments); } else { ui->comments->clear (); } if (m_config->report_in_comments()) { auto t=mode; if(rptSent!="") t+=" Sent: " + rptSent; if(rptRcvd!="") t+=" Rcvd: " + rptRcvd; ui->comments->setText(t); } if(noSuffix and mode.mid(0,3)=="JT9") mode="JT9"; if(m_config->log_as_RTTY() and mode.mid(0,3)=="JT9") mode="RTTY"; ui->mode->setText(mode); ui->sent->setText(rptSent); ui->rcvd->setText(rptRcvd); ui->start_date_time->setDateTime (dateTimeOn); ui->end_date_time->setDateTime (dateTimeOff); m_dialFreq=dialFreq; m_myCall=m_config->my_callsign(); m_myGrid=m_config->my_grid(); ui->band->setText (m_config->bands ()->find (dialFreq)); ui->loggedOperator->setText(m_config->opCall()); ui->exchSent->setText (xSent); ui->exchRcvd->setText (xRcvd); m_cabrilloLog = cabrillo_log; using SpOp = Configuration::SpecialOperatingActivity; auto special_op = m_config->special_op_id (); if (SpOp::FOX == special_op || (m_config->autoLog () && SpOp::NONE < special_op && special_op < SpOp::FOX)) { // allow auto logging in Fox mode and contests accept(); } else { // randomize accessible name of buttons ok_->setAccessibleName (QString::number (int_distribution (twister))); cancel_->setAccessibleName (QString::number (int_distribution (twister))); // random sibling order of buttons if (int_distribution (twister, dist_type::param_type {0, 1})) ok_->stackUnder (cancel_); else cancel_->stackUnder (ok_); // random shuffle of layout items for (int item = ui->button_layout->count () - 1; item > 0; --item) { auto other_item = int_distribution (twister, dist_type::param_type {0, item}); if (item != other_item) { ui->button_layout->insertItem (other_item, ui->button_layout->takeAt (item)); ui->button_layout->insertItem (item, ui->button_layout->takeAt (other_item + 1)); } } show (); } } void LogQSO::accept() { auto hisCall = ui->call->text (); auto hisGrid = ui->grid->text (); auto mode = ui->mode->text (); auto rptSent = ui->sent->text (); auto rptRcvd = ui->rcvd->text (); auto dateTimeOn = ui->start_date_time->dateTime (); auto dateTimeOff = ui->end_date_time->dateTime (); auto band = ui->band->text (); auto name = ui->name->text (); m_txPower = ui->txPower->text (); m_comments = ui->comments->text (); auto strDialFreq = QString::number (m_dialFreq / 1.e6,'f',6); auto operator_call = ui->loggedOperator->text (); auto xsent = ui->exchSent->text (); auto xrcvd = ui->exchRcvd->text (); using SpOp = Configuration::SpecialOperatingActivity; auto special_op = m_config->special_op_id (); if (special_op == SpOp::NA_VHF) { if(xrcvd!="" and hisGrid!=xrcvd) hisGrid=xrcvd; } if ((special_op == SpOp::RTTY and xsent!="" and xrcvd!="")) { if(rptSent=="" or !xsent.contains(rptSent+" ")) rptSent=xsent.split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts).at(0); if(rptRcvd=="" or !xrcvd.contains(rptRcvd+" ")) rptRcvd=xrcvd.split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts).at(0); } // validate if (SpOp::NONE < special_op && special_op < SpOp::FOX) { if (xsent.isEmpty () || xrcvd.isEmpty ()) { show (); MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Invalid QSO Data"), tr ("Check exchange sent and received")); return; // without accepting } if (!m_cabrilloLog->add_QSO (m_dialFreq, dateTimeOff, hisCall, xsent, xrcvd)) { show (); MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Invalid QSO Data"), tr ("Check all fields")); return; // without accepting } } //Log this QSO to file "wsjtx.log" static QFile f {QDir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)}.absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx.log")}; if(!f.open(QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Log file error"), tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append").arg (f.fileName ()), tr ("Error: %1").arg (f.errorString ())); } else { QString logEntry=dateTimeOn.date().toString("yyyy-MM-dd,") + dateTimeOn.time().toString("hh:mm:ss,") + dateTimeOff.date().toString("yyyy-MM-dd,") + dateTimeOff.time().toString("hh:mm:ss,") + hisCall + "," + hisGrid + "," + strDialFreq + "," + mode + "," + rptSent + "," + rptRcvd + "," + m_txPower + "," + m_comments + "," + name; QTextStream out(&f); out << logEntry << endl; f.close(); } //Clean up and finish logging Q_EMIT acceptQSO (dateTimeOff , hisCall , hisGrid , m_dialFreq , mode , rptSent , rptRcvd , m_txPower , m_comments , name , dateTimeOn , operator_call , m_myCall , m_myGrid , xsent , xrcvd , LogBook::QSOToADIF (hisCall , hisGrid , mode , rptSent , rptRcvd , dateTimeOn , dateTimeOff , band , m_comments , name , strDialFreq , m_myCall , m_myGrid , m_txPower , operator_call , xsent , xrcvd)); QDialog::accept(); } // closeEvent is only called from the system menu close widget for a // modeless dialog so we use the hideEvent override to store the // window settings void LogQSO::hideEvent (QHideEvent * e) { storeSettings (); QDialog::hideEvent (e); }