// Status=review At the center of the main window are a number of controls used when making QSOs. Controls not relevant to a particular mode or submode may be "grayed out" (disabled) or removed from the display. //.Misc Controls Center image::misc-controls-center.png[align="center",alt="Misc Controls Center"] * Check *Tx even* to transmit in even-numbered UTC minutes or sequences, starting at 0. Uncheck this box to transmit in the odd sequences. The correct selection is made automatically when you double-click on a decoded text line, as described in the <>. * The Tx and Rx audio frequencies can be set automatically by double-clicking on decoded text or a signal in the waterfall. They can also be adjusted using the spinner controls. * You can force Tx frequency to the current Rx frequency by clicking the *Tx<-Rx* button, and vice-versa for *Rx<-Tx*. The on-the-air frequency of your lowest JT9 or JT65 tone is the sum of dial frequency and audio Tx frequency. * Check the box *Hold Tx Freq* to ensure that the specified Tx frequency is not changed automatically when you double-click on decoded text or a signal in the waterfall. * For modes lacking a multi-decode feature, or when *Enable VHF/UHF/Microwave features* has been checked on the *Settings -> General* tab, the *F Tol* control sets a frequency tolerance range over which decoding will be attempted, centered on the Rx frequency. * The *Report* control lets you change a signal report that has been inserted automatically. Typical reports for the various modes fall in the range –30 to +20 dB. Remember that JT65 reports saturate at an upper limit of -1 dB. + TIP: Consider reducing power if your QSO partner reports your signal above -5 dB in one of the _WSJT-X_ slow modes. These are supposed to be weak signal modes! * In some circumstances, especially on VHF and higher bands, you can select a supported submode of the active mode by using the *Submode* control. The *Sync* control sets a minimum threshold for establishing time and frequency synchronization with a received signal. * Spinner control *T/R xx s* sets sequence lengths for transmission and reception in ISCAT, MSK144, and the fast JT9 modes. * With *Split operation* activated on the *Settings -> Radio* tab, in MSK144 and the fast JT9 submodes you can activate the spinner control *Tx CQ nnn* by checking the box to its right. The program will then generate something like `CQ nnn K1ABC FN42` for your CQ message, where `nnn` is the kHz portion of your current operating frequency, in the range 010 to 999. Your CQ message *Tx6* will then be transmitted at the calling frequency selected in the *Tx CQ nnn* spinner control. All other messages will be transmitted at your current operating frequency. On reception, when you double-click on a message like `CQ nnn K1ABC FN42` your rig will QSY to the specified frequency so you can call the station at his specified response frequency. * Checkboxes at bottom center of the main window control special features for particular operating modes: ** *Sh* enables shorthand messages in JT4, JT65, QRA64 and MSK144 modes ** *Fast* enables fast JT9 submodes ** *Auto Seq* enables auto-sequencing of Tx messages ** *Call 1st* enables automatic response to the first decoded responder to your CQ ** *Tx6* toggles between two types of shorthand messages in JT4 mode