QDarkStylesheet ================== A dark stylesheet for Qt applications. License --------- This project is licensed under the MIT license. Installation --------------- If you are using **Python**, all you have to do is to run the setup script or to install from pypi (using pip or easy_install): ```bash python setup.py install ``` or ```bash pip install qdarkstyle ``` If you are using **C++**, the best way is to download/clone the project and copy the following files to your application directory: - **qdarkstyle/style.qss** - **qdarkstyle/style.qrc** - **qdarkstyle/rc** (the whole directory) Usage ------------- Here is an example using PySide: ```Python import sys import qdarkstyle from PySide import QtGui # create the application and the main window app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) window = QtGui.QMainWindow() # setup stylesheet app.setStyleSheet(qdarkstyle.load_stylesheet()) # run window.show() app.exec_() ``` _There is an example included in the example folder. You can run the script without installing qdarkstyle. You only need to have PySide installed on your system._ Status: ------------- The following widgets are styled: - QMainWindow - QWidget - QMenu, QMenuBar - QToolTip - QAbstractItemView - QLineEdit - QGroupBox - QTextEdit, QPlainTextEdit - QTreeView, - QScrollBar - QRadioButton - QCheckBox - QComboBox - QPushButton - QToolButton - QToolBar - QProgressBar - QSpinBox - QFrame - QTabWidget, QTabBar - QDockWidget - QSlider (horizontal and vertical) What still needs to be done: - QAbstractScrollArea - QSplitter - QStatusBar - QToolBox Contact information: -------------------------- - Maintainer: colin.duquesnoy@gmail.com - Homepage: https://github.com/ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet Snapshots ------------- I have used this stylesheet for an internal tool at work. Are are a few screenshots: ![alt text](/screenshots/01.png "Screenshot 01") [![Bitdeli Badge](https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/ColinDuquesnoy/qdarkstylesheet/trend.png)](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")