#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nhash.h" #include "wsprd_utils.h" void unpk_(signed char message[], int *nhashtab, char call_loc_pow[]) { int i,n1,n2,n3,ndbm,ihash,nadd,noprint,nh; char callsign[13],grid[5],grid6[7],cdbm[3]; static char hashtab[32768][13]; FILE *fhash; if(*nhashtab==1) { char line[80], hcall[12]; if( (fhash=fopen("hashtable.txt","r+")) ) { while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fhash) != NULL) { sscanf(line,"%d %s",&nh,hcall); strcpy(*hashtab+nh*13,hcall); } } else { fhash=fopen("hashtable.txt","w+"); } fclose(fhash); return; } if(*nhashtab==2) { fhash=fopen("hashtable.txt","w"); for (i=0; i<32768; i++) { if( strncmp(hashtab[i],"\0",1) != 0 ) { fprintf(fhash,"%5d %s\n",i,*hashtab+i*13); } } fclose(fhash); return; } unpack50(message,&n1,&n2); unpackcall(n1,callsign); unpackgrid(n2, grid); int ntype = (n2&127) - 64; callsign[12]=0; grid[4]=0; /* Based on the value of ntype, decide whether this is a Type 1, 2, or 3 message. * Type 1: 6 digit call, grid, power - ntype is positive and is a member of the set {0,3,7,10,13,17,20...60} * Type 2: extended callsign, power - ntype is positive but not a member of the set of allowed powers * Type 3: hash, 6 digit grid, power - ntype is negative. */ if( (ntype >= 0) && (ntype <= 62) ) { int nu=ntype%10; if( nu == 0 || nu == 3 || nu == 7 ) { ndbm=ntype; memset(call_loc_pow,0,sizeof(char)*23); sprintf(cdbm,"%2d",ndbm); strncat(call_loc_pow,callsign,strlen(callsign)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,grid,4); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,cdbm,2); strncat(call_loc_pow,"\0",1); ihash=nhash(callsign,strlen(callsign),(uint32_t)146); strcpy(*hashtab+ihash*13,callsign); } else { nadd=nu; if( nu > 3 ) nadd=nu-3; if( nu > 7 ) nadd=nu-7; n3=n2/128+32768*(nadd-1); unpackpfx(n3,callsign); ndbm=ntype-nadd; memset(call_loc_pow,0,sizeof(char)*23); sprintf(cdbm,"%2d",ndbm); strncat(call_loc_pow,callsign,strlen(callsign)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,cdbm,2); strncat(call_loc_pow,"\0",1); ihash=nhash(callsign,strlen(callsign),(uint32_t)146); strcpy(*hashtab+ihash*13,callsign); noprint=0; } } else if ( ntype < 0 ) { ndbm=-(ntype+1); memset(grid6,0,sizeof(char)*7); strncat(grid6,callsign+5,1); strncat(grid6,callsign,5); ihash=(n2-ntype-64)/128; if( strncmp(hashtab[ihash],"\0",1) != 0 ) { sprintf(callsign,"<%s>",hashtab[ihash]); } else { sprintf(callsign,"%5s","<...>"); } memset(call_loc_pow,0,sizeof(char)*23); sprintf(cdbm,"%2d",ndbm); strncat(call_loc_pow,callsign,strlen(callsign)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,grid6,strlen(grid6)); strncat(call_loc_pow," ",1); strncat(call_loc_pow,cdbm,2); strncat(call_loc_pow,"\0",1); noprint=0; // I don't know what to do with these... They show up as "A000AA" grids. if( ntype == -64 ) noprint=1; } // printf("\nUnpacked in C: %s\n",call_loc_pow); }