=== Setup Help The best source of help in setting up your station or configuring _WSJT-X_ is the {wsjt_yahoo_group} at email address wsjtgroup@yahoogroups.com. The chances are good that someone with similar interests and equipment has already solved your problem and will be happy to help. === Bug Reports One of your responsibilities as a _WSJT-X_ user is to help the volunteer programmers to make the program better. Bugs may be reported to {wsjt_yahoo_group} (email address wsjtgroup@yahoogroups.com) or the WSJT Developers list (wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net). To be useful, bug reports should include at least the following information: - Program version - Operating system - Concise description of the problem - Exact sequence of steps required to reproduce the problem === Feature Requests Suggestions from users often result in new program features. Good ideas are always welcome: if there's a feature you would like to see in _WSJT-X_, spell it out in as much detail as seems useful and send it to us at one the the email addresses given a few lines above. Be sure to explain why you think the feature is desirable, and what sort of other users might find it so.