module jt4_decode type :: jt4_decoder procedure(jt4_decode_callback), pointer :: decode_callback => null () procedure(jt4_average_callback), pointer :: average_callback => null () contains procedure :: decode procedure, private :: wsjt4, avg4 end type jt4_decoder ! Callback function to be called with each decode abstract interface subroutine jt4_decode_callback (this, snr, dt, freq, have_sync, & sync, is_deep, decoded, qual, ich, is_average, ave) import jt4_decoder implicit none class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: snr real, intent(in) :: dt integer, intent(in) :: freq logical, intent(in) :: have_sync logical, intent(in) :: is_deep character(len=1), intent(in) :: sync character(len=22), intent(in) :: decoded real, intent(in) :: qual integer, intent(in) :: ich logical, intent(in) :: is_average integer, intent(in) :: ave end subroutine jt4_decode_callback end interface ! Callback function to be called with each average result abstract interface subroutine jt4_average_callback (this, used, utc, sync, dt, freq, flip) import jt4_decoder implicit none class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this logical, intent(in) :: used integer, intent(in) :: utc real, intent(in) :: sync real, intent(in) :: dt integer, intent(in) :: freq logical, intent(in) :: flip end subroutine jt4_average_callback end interface contains subroutine decode(this,decode_callback,dd,jz,nutc,nfqso,ntol0,emedelay, & dttol,nagain,ndepth,nclearave,minsync,minw,nsubmode,mycall,hiscall, & hisgrid,nlist0,listutc0,average_callback) use jt4 use timer_module, only: timer class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this procedure(jt4_decode_callback) :: decode_callback integer, intent(in) :: jz,nutc,nfqso,ntol0,ndepth,minsync,minw,nsubmode, & nlist0,listutc0(10) real, intent(in) :: dd(jz),emedelay,dttol logical, intent(in) :: nagain, nclearave character(len=12), intent(in) :: mycall,hiscall character(len=6), intent(in) :: hisgrid procedure(jt4_average_callback), optional :: average_callback real*4 dat(30*11025) character*6 cfile6 this%decode_callback => decode_callback if (present (average_callback)) then this%average_callback => average_callback end if mode4=nch(nsubmode+1) ntol=ntol0 neme=0 lumsg=6 !### temp ? ### ndiag=1 nlist=nlist0 listutc=listutc0 ! Lowpass filter and decimate by 2 call timer('lpf1 ',0) call lpf1(dd,jz,dat,jz2) call timer('lpf1 ',1) write(cfile6(1:4),1000) nutc 1000 format(i4.4) cfile6(5:6)=' ' call timer('wsjt4 ',0) call this%wsjt4(dat,jz2,nutc,NClearAve,minsync,ntol,emedelay,dttol,mode4, & minw,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfqso,NAgain,ndepth,neme) call timer('wsjt4 ',1) return end subroutine decode subroutine wsjt4(this,dat,npts,nutc,NClearAve,minsync,ntol,emedelay,dttol, & mode4,minw,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfqso,NAgain,ndepth,neme) ! Orchestrates the process of decoding JT4 messages. Note that JT4 ! always operates as if in "Single Decode" mode; it looks for only one ! decodable signal in the FTol range. use jt4 use timer_module, only: timer class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: npts,nutc,minsync,ntol,mode4,minw, & nfqso,ndepth,neme logical, intent(in) :: NAgain,NClearAve character(len=12), intent(in) :: mycall,hiscall character(len=6), intent(in) :: hisgrid real, intent(in) :: dat(npts) !Raw data real ccfblue(-5:540) !CCF in time real ccfred(-224:224) !CCF in frequency ! real z(458,65) logical first,prtavg character decoded*22,special*5 character*22 avemsg,deepmsg,deepave,blank,deepmsg0,deepave1 character csync*1 data first/.true./,nutc0/-999/,nfreq0/-999999/ save if(first .or. nclearave) then nsave=0 first=.false. blank=' ' ccfblue=0. ccfred=0. endif zz=0. ! syncmin=3.0 + minsync syncmin=1.0+minsync naggressive=0 if( naggressive=1 nq1=3 nq2=6 if(naggressive.eq.1) nq1=1 if(NClearAve) then nsave=0 iutc=-1 nfsave=0. listutc=0 ppsave=0. rsymbol=0. dtsave=0. syncsave=0. nfanoave=0 ndeepave=0 endif ! Attempt to synchronize: look for sync pattern, get DF and DT. call timer('sync4 ',0) call sync4(dat,npts,ntol,1,nfqso,4,mode4,minw+1,dtx,dfx, & snrx,snrsync,ccfblue,ccfred,flip,width) sync=snrsync dtxz=dtx-0.8 nfreqz=dfx + 1270.46 - 1.5*4.375*mode4 call timer('sync4 ',1) snrx=db(sync) - 26. if( snrx=-26.0 nsnr=nint(snrx) if( then if (associated (this%decode_callback)) then call this%decode_callback(nsnr,dtxz,nfreqz,.false.,csync, & .false.,decoded,0.,ich,.false.,0) end if go to 990 endif ! We have achieved sync decoded=blank deepmsg=blank special=' ' nsync=sync nsnrlim=-33 csync='*' if( csync='#' qbest=0. qabest=0. prtavg=.false. do idt=-2,2 dtx=dtxz + 0.03*idt nfreq=nfreqz + 2*idf ! Attempt a single-sequence decode, including deep4 if Fano fails. call timer('decode4 ',0) call decode4(dat,npts,dtx,nfreq,flip,mode4,ndepth,neme,minw, & mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,decoded,nfano,deepmsg,qual,ich) call timer('decode4 ',1) if( then ! Fano succeeded: report the message and return !Fano OK if (associated (this%decode_callback)) then call this%decode_callback(nsnr,dtx,nfreq,.true.,csync, & .false.,decoded,99.,ich,.false.,0) end if nsave=0 go to 990 else !Fano failed if( then dtx0=dtx nfreq0=nfreq deepmsg0=deepmsg ich0=ich qbest=qual endif endif if( cycle ! Single-sequence Fano decode failed, so try for an average Fano decode: qave=0. ! If we're doing averaging, call avg4 if(iand(ndepth,16).eq.16 .and. (.not.prtavg)) then if( .or. abs(nfreq-nfreq0).gt.ntol) then ! This is a new minute or a new frequency, so call avg4. nutc0=nutc !Try decoding average nfreq0=nfreq nsave=nsave+1 nsave=mod(nsave-1,64)+1 call timer('avg4 ',0) call this%avg4(nutc,sync,dtx,flip,nfreq,mode4,ntol,ndepth,neme, & nclearave,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfanoave,avemsg,qave, & deepave,ich,ndeepave) call timer('avg4 ',1) endif if( then ! Fano succeeded: report the message AVG FANO OK if (associated (this%decode_callback)) then call this%decode_callback(nsnr,dtx,nfreq,.true.,csync, & .false.,avemsg,99.,ich,.true.,nfanoave) end if prtavg=.true. cycle else if( then dtx1=dtx nfreq1=nfreq deepave1=deepave ich1=ich qabest=qave endif endif endif enddo dtx=dtx0 nfreq=nfreq0 deepmsg=deepmsg0 ich=ich0 qual=qbest if (associated (this%decode_callback)) then if(int(qual).ge.nq1) then call this%decode_callback(nsnr,dtx,nfreqz,.true.,csync,.true., & deepmsg,qual,ich,.false.,0) else call this%decode_callback(nsnr,dtxz,nfreqz,.true.,csync, & .false.,blank,0.,ich,.false.,0) endif end if dtx=dtx1 nfreq=nfreq1 deepave=deepave1 ich=ich1 qave=qabest if (associated (this%decode_callback) .and. then if(int(qave).ge.nq1) then call this%decode_callback(nsnr,dtx,nfreq,.true.,csync,.true., & deepave,qave,ich,.true.,ndeepave) endif end if 990 return end subroutine wsjt4 subroutine avg4(this,nutc,snrsync,dtxx,flip,nfreq,mode4,ntol,ndepth,neme, & nclearave, mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfanoave,avemsg,qave,deepave, & ichbest,ndeepave) ! Decodes averaged JT4 data use jt4 class(jt4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this character*22 avemsg,deepave,deepbest character mycall*12,hiscall*12,hisgrid*6 character*1 csync,cused(64) real sym(207,7) integer iused(64) logical first,nclearave data first/.true./ save if(first .or. nclearave) then iutc=-1 nfsave=0 dtdiff=0.25 first=.false. endif do i=1,64 if(nutc.eq.iutc(i) .and. abs(nfreq-nfsave(i)).le.ntol) go to 10 enddo ! Save data for message averaging iutc(nsave)=nutc syncsave(nsave)=snrsync dtsave(nsave)=dtxx nfsave(nsave)=nfreq flipsave(nsave)=flip ppsave(1:207,1:7,nsave)=rsymbol(1:207,1:7) 10 dtsum=0. nsum=0 ok=.false. do i=1,nsave if(iutc(i).lt.0) cycle if(mod(iutc(i),2).ne.mod(nutc,2)) cycle !Use only same sequence if(abs(nfreq-nfsave(i)).gt.ntol) cycle !Freq must match if( cycle !Sync (*/#) must match if(abs(dtxx-dtsave(i)).gt.2*dtdiff) cycle !Pk-to-pk DT range < 2*dtdiff dtsum=dtsum+dtsave(i) nsum=nsum+1 ok(i)=.true. enddo dtave=0. if( dtave=dtsum/nsum sym=0. syncsum=0. dtsum=0. nfsum=0 nsum=0 do i=1,nsave cused(i)='.' dttest=dtsave(i)-dtave if(.not.ok(i)) cycle if(abs(dttest).gt.dtdiff) cycle !DT must match sym(1:207,1:7)=sym(1:207,1:7) + ppsave(1:207,1:7,i) syncsum=syncsum + syncsave(i) dtsum=dtsum + dtsave(i) nfsum=nfsum + nfsave(i) cused(i)='$' nsum=nsum+1 iused(nsum)=i enddo if( iused(nsum+1)=0 syncave=0. dtave=0. fave=0. if( then sym=sym/nsum syncave=syncsum/nsum dtave=dtsum/nsum fave=float(nfsum)/nsum endif do i=1,nsave csync='*' if(flipsave(i).lt.0.0) csync='#' if (associated (this%average_callback)) then call this%average_callback(cused(i) .eq. '$',iutc(i), & syncsave(i),dtsave(i),nfsave(i),flipsave(i).lt.0.) end if enddo sqt=0. sqf=0. do j=1,64 i=iused(j) if(i.eq.0) exit csync='*' if(flipsave(i).lt.0.0) csync='#' sqt=sqt + (dtsave(i)-dtave)**2 sqf=sqf + (nfsave(i)-fave)**2 enddo rmst=0. rmsf=0. if( then rmst=sqrt(sqt/(nsum-1)) rmsf=sqrt(sqf/(nsum-1)) endif kbest=ich1 do k=ich1,ich2 call extract4(sym(1,k),ncount,avemsg) !Do the Fano decode nfanoave=0 if( then ichbest=k nfanoave=nsum go to 900 endif if(nch(k).ge.mode4) exit enddo deepave=' ' qave=0. ! Possibly should pass nadd=nused, also ? if(iand(ndepth,32).eq.32) then flipx=1.0 !Normal flip not relevant for ave msg qbest=0. do k=ich1,ich2 call deep4(sym(2,k),neme,flipx,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,deepave,qave) if( then qbest=qave deepbest=deepave kbest=k ndeepave=nsum endif if(nch(k).ge.mode4) exit enddo deepave=deepbest qave=qbest ichbest=kbest endif 900 return end subroutine avg4 end module jt4_decode