// Status=review At the center of the main window are a number of controls you will use when making QSOs: //.Misc Controls Center image::images/misc-controls-center.png[align="center",alt="Misc Controls Center"] * Check *Tx even* to transmit in even-numbered UTC minutes. Uncheck this box to transmit in the odd intervals. This selection is made automatically when you double-click on a decoded text line as described in the <>. * The Tx and Rx audio frequencies can be adjusted with spinner controls. These settings are usually set automatically by double-clicking on decoded text or on thw waterfall. * The on-the-air frequency of your lowest JT9 or JT65 tone is the sum of dial frequency and audio Tx frequency. You can force Tx frequency to the current Rx frequency by clicking the *Tx=Rx* button, and vice-versa for *Rx=Tx*. Check the box *Lock Tx=Rx* to make the frequencies always track one another. * The *Report* control lets you change a signal report that has been inserted automatically. Most reports will fall in the range –26 to +10 dB. Remember that JT65 reports must lie in the range -30 to -1 dB. IMPORTANT: When signals are close to or above 0 dB, you and your QSO partner should probably reduce power. JT65 and JT9 are supposed to be weak signal modes!