// Status=review Controls related to band and frequency selection, receiver audio level, the station being worked, and date and time are found at lower left of the main window: //.Misc Controls Left image::images/misc-main-ui.png[align="center",alt="Mist Menu Items"] * The drop-down list of bands at upper left lets you select the operating band and sets dial frequency to a default value taken from the *Default Frequencies* tab on the *Setup | Configuration* screen. If CAT control is active the radio's dial frequency will be set accordingly; if not, you must tune the radio manually. * If you are using CAT control, a small colored square appears in green if the CAT control is two-way between _WSJT-X_ and your radio, or orange if the control is only from program to radio. (You can request a one-time interrogation of the radio’s dial frequency by clicking on the orange square.) The square becomes red if you have requested CAT control but communication with the radio has been lost. If the locator *Dx Grid* is known, the great-circle azimuth and distance are displayed. * The program can keep a database of call-signs and locators for future reference. Click *Add* to insert the present call and locator in the database; click *Lookup* to retrieve the locator for a previously stored call.