#ifndef QAUDIO_INPUT #include "soundin.h" #include #include #define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER 1024 #define NSMAX 6827 #define NTMAX 120 extern "C" { #include extern struct { float ss[184*NSMAX]; //This is "common/jt9com/..." in fortran float savg[NSMAX]; // float c0[2*NTMAX*1500]; short int d2[NTMAX*12000]; int nutc; //UTC as integer, HHMM int ndiskdat; //1 ==> data read from *.wav file int ntrperiod; //TR period (seconds) int mousefqso; //User-selected QSO freq (kHz) int newdat; //1 ==> new data, must do long FFT int npts8; //npts in c0() array int nfa; //Low decode limit (Hz) int nfb; //High decode limit (Hz) int ntol; //+/- decoding range around fQSO (Hz) int kin; int nzhsym; int nsave; int nagain; int ndepth; int ntxmode; int nmode; char datetime[20]; } jt9com_; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- a2dCallback int a2dCallback( const void *inputBuffer, void * /* outputBuffer */, unsigned long framesToProcess, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * /* timeInfo */, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData ) // This routine called by the PortAudio engine when samples are available. // It may be called at interrupt level, so don't do anything // that could mess up the system like calling malloc() or free(). { SoundInput::CallbackData * udata = reinterpret_cast(userData); int nbytes,k; if( (statusFlags&paInputOverflow) != 0) { qDebug() << "Input Overflow in a2dCallback"; } if(udata->bzero) { //Start of a new Rx sequence udata->kin = 0; //Reset buffer pointer udata->bzero = false; } nbytes=2*framesToProcess; //Bytes per frame k=udata->kin; if(udata->monitoring) { memcpy(&jt9com_.d2[k],inputBuffer,nbytes); //Copy all samples to d2 } udata->kin+=framesToProcess; jt9com_.kin=udata->kin; // we are the only writer to jt9com_ so no MT issue here return paContinue; } SoundInput::SoundInput() : m_inStream(0), m_TRperiod(60), m_nsps(6912), m_monitoring(false), m_intervalTimer(this) { connect(&m_intervalTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,SLOT(intervalNotify())); } void SoundInput::start(qint32 device) { stop(); //---------------------------------------------------- Soundcard Setup PaError paerr; PaStreamParameters inParam; m_callbackData.kin = 0; //Buffer pointer m_callbackData.bzero = false; //Flag to request reset of kin m_callbackData.monitoring = m_monitoring; inParam.device=device; //### Input Device Number ### inParam.channelCount=1; //Number of analog channels inParam.sampleFormat=paInt16; //Get i*2 from Portaudio inParam.suggestedLatency=0.05; inParam.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo=NULL; paerr=Pa_IsFormatSupported(&inParam,NULL,12000.0); if(paerr<0) { emit error("PortAudio says requested soundcard format not supported."); } paerr=Pa_OpenStream(&m_inStream, //Input stream &inParam, //Input parameters NULL, //No output parameters 12000.0, //Sample rate FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, //Frames per buffer // paClipOff+paDitherOff, //No clipping or dithering paClipOff, //No clipping a2dCallback, //Input callback routine &m_callbackData); //userdata paerr=Pa_StartStream(m_inStream); if(paerr<0) { emit error("Failed to start audio input stream."); return; } m_ntr0 = 99; // initial value higher than any expected m_intervalTimer.start(100); m_ms0 = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); m_nsps0 = 0; } void SoundInput::intervalNotify() { m_callbackData.monitoring = m_monitoring; // update monitoring // status qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); ms=ms % 86400000; int nsec = ms/1000; // Time according to this computer int ntr = nsec % m_TRperiod; int k=m_callbackData.kin; // get a copy of kin to mitigate the // potential race condition with the // callback handler when a buffer // reset is requested below // Reset buffer pointer and symbol number at start of minute if(ntr < m_ntr0 or !m_monitoring or m_nsps!=m_nsps0) { m_nstep0=0; m_nsps0=m_nsps; m_callbackData.bzero = true; // request callback to reset buffer pointer } if(m_monitoring) { int kstep=m_nsps/2; // m_step=k/kstep; m_step=(k-1)/kstep; if(m_step != m_nstep0) { emit readyForFFT(k-1); //Signal to compute new FFTs m_nstep0=m_step; } } m_ntr0=ntr; } SoundInput::~SoundInput() { if (m_inStream) { Pa_CloseStream(m_inStream), m_inStream = 0; } } void SoundInput::stop() { m_intervalTimer.stop(); if (m_inStream) { Pa_StopStream(m_inStream); Pa_CloseStream(m_inStream), m_inStream = 0; } } #else // QAUDIO_INPUT #include "soundin.h" #include #define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER 1024 #define NSMAX 6827 #define NTMAX 120 extern "C" { #include extern struct { float ss[184*NSMAX]; //This is "common/jt9com/..." in fortran float savg[NSMAX]; // float c0[2*NTMAX*1500]; short int d2[NTMAX*12000]; int nutc; //UTC as integer, HHMM int ndiskdat; //1 ==> data read from *.wav file int ntrperiod; //TR period (seconds) int mousefqso; //User-selected QSO freq (kHz) int newdat; //1 ==> new data, must do long FFT int npts8; //npts in c0() array int nfa; //Low decode limit (Hz) int nfb; //High decode limit (Hz) int ntol; //+/- decoding range around fQSO (Hz) int kin; int nzhsym; int nsave; int nagain; int ndepth; int ntxmode; int nmode; char datetime[20]; } jt9com_; } QString reportAudioError(QAudio::Error audioError) { switch (audioError) { case QAudio::NoError: Q_ASSERT(false); case QAudio::OpenError: return QObject::tr( "An error opening the audio device has occurred."); case QAudio::IOError: return QObject::tr( "An error occurred during read/write of audio device."); case QAudio::UnderrunError: return QObject::tr( "Audio data not being fed to the audio device fast enough."); case QAudio::FatalError: return QObject::tr( "Non-recoverable error, audio device not usable at this time."); } Q_ASSERT(false); return ""; } SoundInput::SoundInput() : m_dataSinkBusy(false), m_TRperiod(60), m_nsps(6912), m_monitoring(false), m_intervalTimer(this) { // qDebug() << "A"; connect(&m_intervalTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,SLOT(intervalNotify())); } void SoundInput::start(qint32 device) { stop(); //---------------------------------------------------- Soundcard Setup m_callbackData.kin=0; //Buffer pointer m_callbackData.ncall=0; //Number of callbacks m_callbackData.bzero=false; //Flag to request reset of kin m_callbackData.monitoring=m_monitoring; //### Temporary: hardwired device selection QAudioDeviceInfo DeviceInfo; QList m_InDevices; QAudioDeviceInfo m_InDeviceInfo; m_InDevices = DeviceInfo.availableDevices(QAudio::AudioInput); inputDevice = m_InDevices.at(0); //### // qDebug() << "B" << m_InDevices.length() << inputDevice.deviceName(); const char* pcmCodec = "audio/pcm"; QAudioFormat audioFormat = inputDevice.preferredFormat(); audioFormat.setChannelCount(1); audioFormat.setCodec(pcmCodec); audioFormat.setSampleRate(12000); audioFormat.setSampleType(QAudioFormat::SignedInt); audioFormat.setSampleSize(16); // qDebug() << "C" << audioFormat << audioFormat.isValid(); if (!audioFormat.isValid()) { emit error(tr("Requested audio format is not available.")); return; } audioInput = new QAudioInput(inputDevice, audioFormat); // qDebug() << "D" << audioInput->error() << QAudio::NoError; if (audioInput->error() != QAudio::NoError) { emit error(reportAudioError(audioInput->error())); return; } stream = audioInput->start(); // qDebug() << "E" << stream->errorString(); m_ntr0 = 99; // initial value higher than any expected m_nBusy = 0; m_intervalTimer.start(100); m_ms0 = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); m_nsps0 = 0; } void SoundInput::intervalNotify() { m_callbackData.monitoring=m_monitoring; qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); ms=ms % 86400000; int nsec = ms/1000; // Time according to this computer int ntr = nsec % m_TRperiod; static int k=0; // qDebug() << "a" << ms << nsec; // Reset buffer pointer and symbol number at start of minute if(ntr < m_ntr0 or !m_monitoring or m_nsps!=m_nsps0) { m_nstep0=0; m_nsps0=m_nsps; m_callbackData.bzero=true; k=0; } // int k=m_callbackData.kin; // How many new samples are available? const qint32 bytesReady = audioInput->bytesReady(); // qDebug() << "b" << bytesReady; Q_ASSERT(bytesReady >= 0); Q_ASSERT(bytesReady % 2 == 0); if (bytesReady == 0) { return; } qint32 bytesRead; bytesRead = stream->read((char*)&jt9com_.d2[k], bytesReady); // Get the new samples k += bytesRead/2; // qDebug() << "c" << bytesReady << bytesRead; Q_ASSERT(bytesRead <= bytesReady); if (bytesRead < 0) { emit error(tr("audio stream QIODevice::read returned -1.")); return; } Q_ASSERT(bytesRead % 2 == 0); if(m_monitoring) { int kstep=m_nsps/2; m_step=(k-1)/kstep; if(m_step != m_nstep0) { if(m_dataSinkBusy) { m_nBusy++; } else { emit readyForFFT(k-1); //Signal to compute new FFTs } m_nstep0=m_step; } } m_ntr0=ntr; } SoundInput::~SoundInput() { /* if (m_inStream) { Pa_CloseStream(m_inStream), m_inStream = 0; } */ } /* // memcpy(jt9com_.d2[k],buf0,bytesRead); // k+=bytesRead/2; for(int i=0; i