// Status=edited Controls familiar to users of program _WSJT_ appear on *Tab 1*, providing six fields for message entry. Pre-formatted messages for the standard minimal QSO are generated when you click *Generate Std Msgs* or double-click on an appropriate line in one of the decoded text windows. //.Traditional Message Menu image::traditional-msg-box.png[align="center",alt="Traditional Message Menu"] * Select the next message to be transmitted (at the start of your next Tx sequence) by clicking the radio button in the *Next* column. * To change to a specified Tx message immediately during a transmission, click a rectangular button in the *Now* column. Changing a Tx message in mid-stream slightly reduces the chance of a correct decode, but it is usually OK if done in the first 10-20% of a transmission. * All six Tx message fields are editable. You can modify an automatically generated message or enter a desired message, keeping in mind the limits on message content. See <> for details. * Click the pull-down arrow for message #5 to select one of the stored messages entered on the *Files -> Settings -> Tx Macros* tab. Pressing *Enter* on a modified message #5 automatically adds that message to the stored macros. * In some circumstances it may be desirable to make your QSOs as short as possible. To configure the program to start contacts with message #2, disable message #1 by double-clicking its radio-button in the *Next* column or *Tx 1* button in the *Now* column. Similarly, to send RR73 rather than RRR for message #4, double-click one of its buttons. + TIP: During a transmission the actual message being sent always appears in the first box of the status bar (bottom-left corner of the main screen).