#include "FoxLogWindow.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SettingsGroup.hpp" #include "Configuration.hpp" #include "MessageBox.hpp" #include "models/Bands.hpp" #include "models/FoxLog.hpp" #include "item_delegates/ForeignKeyDelegate.hpp" #include "item_delegates/CallsignDelegate.hpp" #include "item_delegates/MaidenheadLocatorDelegate.hpp" #include "item_delegates/SQLiteDateTimeDelegate.hpp" #include "pimpl_impl.hpp" #include "ui_FoxLogWindow.h" #include "moc_FoxLogWindow.cpp" class FoxLogWindow::impl final { public: explicit impl (FoxLog * log) : log_ {log} { } FoxLog * log_; Ui::FoxLogWindow ui_; }; FoxLogWindow::FoxLogWindow (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration , FoxLog * fox_log, QWidget * parent) : AbstractLogWindow {"Fox Log Window", settings, configuration, parent} , m_ {fox_log} { setWindowTitle (QApplication::applicationName () + " - Fox Log"); m_->ui_.setupUi (this); m_->ui_.log_table_view->setModel (m_->log_->model ()); set_log_view (m_->ui_.log_table_view); m_->ui_.log_table_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (1, new SQLiteDateTimeDelegate {this}); m_->ui_.log_table_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (2, new CallsignDelegate {this}); m_->ui_.log_table_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (3, new MaidenheadLocatorDelegate {this}); m_->ui_.log_table_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (6, new ForeignKeyDelegate {configuration->bands (), 0, this}); m_->ui_.log_table_view->horizontalHeader ()->moveSection (6, 1); // move band to first column m_->ui_.rate_label->setText (""); m_->ui_.queued_label->setNum (0); m_->ui_.callers_label->setNum (0); // actions auto export_action = new QAction {tr ("&Export ADIF ..."), m_->ui_.log_table_view}; m_->ui_.log_table_view->insertAction (nullptr, export_action); connect (export_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, configuration] (bool /*checked*/) { auto file_name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (this , tr ("Export ADIF Log File") , configuration->writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath () , tr ("ADIF Log (*.adi)")); if (file_name.size () && m_->log_) { QFile ADIF_file {file_name}; if (ADIF_file.open (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream output_stream {&ADIF_file}; m_->log_->export_qsos (output_stream); } else { MessageBox::warning_message (this , tr ("Export ADIF File Error") , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for writing: %2") .arg (ADIF_file.fileName ()).arg (ADIF_file.errorString ())); } } }); auto reset_action = new QAction {tr ("&Reset ..."), m_->ui_.log_table_view}; m_->ui_.log_table_view->insertAction (nullptr, reset_action); connect (reset_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, configuration] (bool /*checked*/) { if (MessageBox::Yes == MessageBox::query_message( this , tr ("Confirm Reset") , tr ("Are you sure you want to erase file FoxQSO.txt " "and start a new Fox log?"))) { QFile f{configuration->writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("FoxQSO.txt")}; f.remove (); Q_EMIT reset_log_model (); } }); } FoxLogWindow::~FoxLogWindow () { } void FoxLogWindow::callers (int n) { m_->ui_.callers_label->setNum (n); } void FoxLogWindow::queued (int n) { m_->ui_.queued_label->setNum (n); } void FoxLogWindow::rate (int n) { m_->ui_.rate_label->setNum (n); } void FoxLogWindow::rate (QString s) { m_->ui_.rate_label->setText(s); } void FoxLogWindow::log_model_changed (int row) { if (row >= 0) { m_->log_->model ()->selectRow (row); } else { m_->log_->model ()->select (); } }