module q65_decode type :: q65_decoder procedure(q65_decode_callback), pointer :: callback contains procedure :: decode end type q65_decoder abstract interface subroutine q65_decode_callback (this,nutc,snr1,nsnr,dt,freq, & decoded,idec,navg,ntrperiod) import q65_decoder implicit none class(q65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nutc real, intent(in) :: snr1 integer, intent(in) :: nsnr real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: freq character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded integer, intent(in) :: idec integer, intent(in) :: navg integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod end subroutine q65_decode_callback end interface contains subroutine decode(this,callback,iwave,nutc,ntrperiod,nsubmode,nfqso, & ntol,ndepth,lclearave,emedelay,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nQSOprogress, & ncontest,lapcqonly) ! Top-level routine that organizes the decoding of Q65 signals ! Input: iwave Raw data, i*2 ! nutc UTC for time-tagging the decode ! ntrperiod T/R sequence length (s) ! nsubmode Tone-spacing indicator, 0-4 for A-E ! nfqso Target signal frequency (Hz) ! ntol Search range around nfqso (Hz) ! ndepth Optional decoding level ! lclearave Flag to clear the message-averaging arrays ! emedelay Sync search extended to cover EME delays ! nQSOprogress Auto-sequencing state for the present QSO ! ncontest Supported contest type ! lapcqonly Flag to use AP only for CQ calls ! Output: sent to the callback routine for display to user use timer_module, only: timer use packjt77 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use q65 !Shared variables parameter (NMAX=300*12000) !Max TRperiod is 300 s class(q65_decoder), intent(inout) :: this procedure(q65_decode_callback) :: callback character(len=12) :: mycall, hiscall !Used for AP decoding character(len=6) :: hisgrid character*37 decoded !Decoded message character*77 c77 character*78 c78 integer*2 iwave(NMAX) !Raw data real, allocatable :: dd(:) !Raw data integer dat4(13) !Decoded message as 12 6-bit integers integer dgen(13) logical lclearave,lapcqonly,unpk77_success complex, allocatable :: c00(:) !Analytic signal, 6000 Sa/s complex, allocatable :: c0(:) !Analytic signal, 6000 Sa/s ! Start by setting some parameters and allocating storage for large arrays idec=-1 mode_q65=2**nsubmode npts=ntrperiod*12000 nfft1=ntrperiod*12000 nfft2=ntrperiod*6000 if(lclearave) call q65_clravg allocate(dd(npts)) allocate (c00(0:nfft1-1)) allocate (c0(0:nfft1-1)) if(ntrperiod.eq.15) then nsps=1800 else if(ntrperiod.eq.30) then nsps=3600 else if(ntrperiod.eq.60) then nsps=7200 else if(ntrperiod.eq.120) then nsps=16000 else if(ntrperiod.eq.300) then nsps=41472 else stop 'Invalid TR period' endif baud=12000.0/nsps this%callback => callback nFadingModel=1 ibwa=max(1,int(1.8*log(baud*mode_q65)) + 2) ibwb=min(10,ibwa+4) if(iand(ndepth,3).eq.3) then ibwa=max(1,ibwa-1) ibwb=min(10,ibwb+1) endif ! Generate codewords for full-AP list decoding call q65_set_list(mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,codewords,ncw) dgen=0 call q65_enc(dgen,codewords) !Initialize the Q65 codec nused=1 iavg=0 call timer('q65_dec0',0) ! Call top-level routine in q65 module: establish sync and try for a q3 decode. call q65_dec0(iavg,nutc,iwave,ntrperiod,nfqso,ntol,ndepth,lclearave, & emedelay,xdt,f0,snr1,width,dat4,snr2,idec) ! idec=-1 !### TEMPORARY ### call timer('q65_dec0',1) if( then xdt1=xdt !We have a list-decode result f1=f0 go to 100 endif if( then xdt1=0. !No reliable sync, abandon decoding attempt f1=0. go to 100 endif ! Prepare for a single-period decode woth iaptype = 0, 1, or 2 (also 4?) jpk0=(xdt+1.0)*6000 !Index of nominal start of signal if(ntrperiod.le.30) jpk0=(xdt+0.5)*6000 !For shortest sequences if( jpk0=0 fac=1.0/32767.0 dd=fac*iwave(1:npts) call ana64(dd,npts,c00) !Convert to complex c00() at 6000 Sa/s call ft8apset(mycall,hiscall,ncontest,apsym0,aph10) ! Generate ap symbols where(apsym0.eq.-1) apsym0=0 npasses=2 if(nQSOprogress.eq.5) npasses=3 if(lapcqonly) npasses=1 iaptype=0 do ipass=0,npasses !Loop over AP passes apmask=0 !Try first with no AP information apsymbols=0 if( then ! Subsequent passes use AP information appropiate for nQSOprogress call q65_ap(nQSOprogress,ipass,ncontest,lapcqonly,iaptype, & apsym0,apmask1,apsymbols1) write(c78,1050) apmask1 1050 format(78i1) read(c78,1060) apmask 1060 format(13b6.6) write(c78,1050) apsymbols1 read(c78,1060) apsymbols endif call timer('q65loops',0) call q65_loops(c00,npts/2,nsps/2,nsubmode,ndepth,jpk0, & xdt,f0,iaptype,xdt1,f1,snr2,dat4,idec) ! idec=-1 !### TEMPORARY ### call timer('q65loops',1) if( go to 100 !Successful decode, we're done enddo ! ipass if(iand(ndepth,16).eq.0 .or. go to 100 ! There was no single-transmission decode. Try for an average 'q3n' decode. call timer('list_avg',0) ! Call top-level routine in q65 module: establish sync and try for a q3 ! decode, this time using the cumulative 's1a' symbol spectra. iavg=1 call q65_dec0(iavg,nutc,iwave,ntrperiod,nfqso,ntol,ndepth,lclearave, & emedelay,xdt,f0,snr1,width,dat4,snr2,idec) call timer('list_avg',1) if( then nused=navg go to 100 endif ! There was no 'q3n' decode. Try for a 'q[012]n' decode. ! Call top-level routine in q65 module: establish sync and try for a q[012]n ! decode, this time using the cumulative 's1a' symbol spectra. call timer('q65_avg ',0) iavg=2 call q65_dec0(iavg,nutc,iwave,ntrperiod,nfqso,ntol,ndepth,lclearave, & emedelay,xdt,f0,snr1,width,dat4,snr2,idec) call timer('q65_avg ',1) if( nused=navg 100 decoded=' ' if( then ! idec Meaning ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! -1: No decode ! 0: Decode without AP information ! 1: Decode with AP for "CQ ? ?" ! 2: Decode with AP for "MyCall ? ?" ! 3: Decode with AP for "MyCall DxCall ?" ! Unpack decoded message for display to user write(c77,1000) dat4(1:12),dat4(13)/2 1000 format(12b6.6,b5.5) call unpack77(c77,0,decoded,unpk77_success) !Unpack to get msgsent nsnr=nint(snr2) call this%callback(nutc,snr1,nsnr,xdt1,f1,decoded,idec,nused,ntrperiod) if(iand(ndepth,128).ne.0) call q65_clravg !AutoClrAvg after decode else ! Report snr1, even if no decode. nsnr=db(snr1) - 35.0 if( nsnr=-35 idec=-1 call this%callback(nutc,snr1,nsnr,xdt1,f1,decoded, & idec,navg,ntrperiod) endif return end subroutine decode end module q65_decode