subroutine sync65(nfa,nfb,ntol,nqsym,ca,ncand,nrobust,bVHF) parameter (NSZ=3413,NFFT=8192,MAXCAND=300) real ss(552,NSZ) real ccfblue(-32:82) !CCF with pseudorandom sequence real ccfred(NSZ) !Peak of ccfblue, as function of freq logical bVHF type candidate real freq real dt real sync real flip end type candidate type(candidate) ca(MAXCAND) common/steve/thresh0 common/sync/ss if(ntol.eq.-99) stop !Silence compiler warning call setup65 df=12000.0/NFFT !df = 12000.0/8192 = 1.465 Hz ia=max(2,nint(nfa/df)) ib=min(NSZ-1,nint(nfb/df)) ! lag1=-11 ! lag2=59 ! lag1=-22 ! lag2=118 lag1=-32 lag2=82 !may need to be extended for EME nsym=126 ncand=0 fdot=0. ccfred=0. ccfblue=0. ccfmax=0. ipk=0 do i=ia,ib call xcor(i,nqsym,nsym,lag1,lag2,ccfblue,ccf0,lagpk0,flip,fdot,nrobust) ! Remove best-fit slope from ccfblue and normalize so baseline rms=1.0 if(.not.bVHF) call slope(ccfblue(lag1),lag2-lag1+1, & lagpk0-lag1+1.0) ccfred(i)=ccfblue(lagpk0) if(ccfred(i).gt.ccfmax) then ccfmax=ccfred(i) ipk=i endif enddo call pctile(ccfred(ia:ib),ib-ia+1,35,xmed) ccfred(ia:ib)=ccfred(ia:ib)-xmed ccfred(ia-1)=ccfred(ia) ccfred(ib+1)=ccfred(ib) do i=ia,ib freq=i*df itry=0 ! if( .and. .and. then ! if( .and. then if(bVHF) then if( .or. cycle itry=1 ncand=ncand+1 else if(ccfred(i).ge.thresh0 .and. ccfred(i).gt.ccfred(i-1) .and. & ccfred(i).gt.ccfred(i+1)) then itry=1 ncand=ncand+1 endif endif if( then call xcor(i,nqsym,nsym,lag1,lag2,ccfblue,ccf0,lagpk,flip,fdot,nrobust) if(.not.bVHF) call slope(ccfblue(lag1),lag2-lag1+1, & lagpk-lag1+1.0) xlag=lagpk if( .and. then call peakup(ccfblue(lagpk-1),ccfmax,ccfblue(lagpk+1),dx2) xlag=lagpk+dx2 endif dtx=xlag*1024.0/11025.0 ccfblue(lag1)=0. ccfblue(lag2)=0. ca(ncand)%freq=freq ca(ncand)%dt=dtx ca(ncand)%flip=flip if(bVHF) then ca(ncand)%sync=db(ccfred(i)) - 16.0 else ca(ncand)%sync=ccfred(i) endif endif if(ncand.eq.MAXCAND) exit enddo return end subroutine sync65