subroutine wsjt4(dat,npts,nutc,NClearAve,ntol,emedelay,dttol, & mode4,minw,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfqso,NAgain,ndepth,neme) ! Orchestrates the process of decoding JT4 messages, using data that ! have been 2x downsampled. ! NB: JT4 presently looks for only one decodable signal in the FTol ! range -- analogous to the nqd=1 step in JT9 and JT65. use jt4 real dat(npts) !Raw data real z(458,65) logical first,prtavg character decoded*22,special*5 character*22 avemsg,deepmsg,deepave,blank,deepmsg0,deepave1 character csync*1,cqual*2 character*12 mycall character*12 hiscall character*6 hisgrid data first/.true./,nutc0/-999/,nfreq0/-999999/ save if(first) then nsave=0 first=.false. blank=' ' ccfblue=0. ccfred=0. nagain=0 endif zz=0. ! syncmin=1.0 syncmin=7.0 naggressive=0 if( naggressive=1 nq1=3 nq2=6 if(naggressive.eq.1) nq1=1 if( then nsave=0 iutc=-1 nfsave=0. listutc=0 ppsave=0. rsymbol=0. dtsave=0. syncsave=0. endif ! Attempt to synchronize: look for sync pattern, get DF and DT. call timer('sync4 ',0) call sync4(dat,npts,mode4,minw) call timer('sync4 ',1) call timer('zplt ',0) do ich=4,6 z(1:458,1:65)=zz(274:731,1:65,ich) call zplt(z,ich-4,syncz,dtxz,nfreqz,flipz,sync2z,0,emedelay,dttol, & nfqso,ntol) if(ich.eq.5) then dtxzz=dtxz nfreqzz=nfreqz endif enddo call timer('zplt ',1) ! Use results from zplt flip=flipz sync=syncz snrx=db(sync) - 26. nsnr=nint(snrx) if( then write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dtxz,nfreqz go to 990 endif ! We have achieved sync decoded=blank deepmsg=blank special=' ' nsync=sync nsnrlim=-33 csync='*' if( csync='#' qbest=0. qabest=0. prtavg=.false. do idt=-2,2 dtx=dtxz + 0.03*idt nfreq=nfreqz + 2*idf ! Attempt a single-sequence decode, including deep4 if Fano fails. call timer('decode4 ',0) call decode4(dat,npts,dtx,nfreq,flip,mode4,ndepth,neme,minw, & mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,decoded,nfano,deepmsg,qual,ich) call timer('decode4 ',1) if( then ! Fano succeeded: display the message and return FANO OK write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dtx,nfreq,csync,decoded,' *', & char(ichar('A')+ich-1) 1010 format(i4.4,i4,f5.2,i5,a1,1x,a22,a2,1x,a1,i3) nsave=0 go to 990 else ! NO FANO if( then dtx0=dtx nfreq0=nfreq deepmsg0=deepmsg ich0=ich qbest=qual endif endif ! Single-sequence Fano decode failed, so try for an average Fano decode: qave=0. ! If this is a new minute or a new frequency, call avg4 if(.not. prtavg) then if( .or. abs(nfreq-nfreq0).gt.ntol) then nutc0=nutc ! TRY AVG nfreq0=nfreq nsave=nsave+1 nsave=mod(nsave-1,64)+1 call timer('avg4 ',0) call avg4(nutc,sync,dtx,flip,nfreq,mode4,ntol,ndepth,neme, & mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfanoave,avemsg,qave,deepave,ich, & ndeepave) call timer('avg4 ',1) endif if( then ! Fano succeeded: display the message AVG FANO OK write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dtx,nfreq,csync,avemsg,' *', & char(ichar('A')+ich-1),nfanoave prtavg=.true. cycle else if( then dtx1=dtx nfreq1=nfreq deepave1=deepave ich1=ich qabest=qave endif endif endif enddo dtx=dtx0 nfreq=nfreq0 deepmsg=deepmsg0 ich=ich0 qual=qbest if(int(qual).ge.nq1) then write(cqual,'(i2)') int(qual) write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dtx,nfreq,csync, & deepmsg,cqual,char(ichar('A')+ich-1) else write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dtxz,nfreqz,csync endif dtx=dtx1 nfreq=nfreq1 deepave=deepave1 ich=ich1 qave=qabest if(int(qave).ge.nq1) then write(cqual,'(i2)') nint(qave) write(*,1010) nutc,nsnr,dtx,nfreq,csync, & deepave,cqual,char(ichar('A')+ich-1),ndeepave endif 990 return end subroutine wsjt4