subroutine split77(msg,nwords,nw,w) ! Convert msg to upper case; collapse multiple blanks; parse into words. character*37 msg character*13 w(19) character*1 c,c0 integer nw(19) iz=len(trim(msg)) j=0 k=0 n=0 c0=' ' w=' ' do i=1,iz c=msg(i:i) !Single character if(c.eq.' ' .and. c0.eq.' ') cycle !Skip leading/repeated blanks if(' ' .and. c0.eq.' ') then k=k+1 !New word n=0 endif j=j+1 !Index in msg n=n+1 !Index in word msg(j:j)=c if('a' .and. c.le.'z') msg(j:j)=char(ichar(c)-32) !Force upper case w(k)(n:n)=c !Copy character c into word c0=c enddo iz=j !Message length nwords=k !Number of words in msg nw(k)=len(trim(w(k))) msg(iz+1:)=' ' return end subroutine split77