subroutine test9(c0,npts8,nsps8) parameter (NMAX=128*864) complex c0(0:npts8-1) complex c1(0:NMAX-1) complex c2(0:4096-1) complex z real p(0:3300) include 'jt9sync.f90' c1(0:npts8-1)=c0 !Copy c0 into c1 c1(npts8:)=0. !Zero the rest of c1 nfft1=NMAX !Forward FFT length call four2a(c1,nfft1,1,-1,1) !Forward FFT ndown=54 !Downsample factor nfft2=nfft1/ndown !Backward FFT length nh2=nfft2/2 fac=1.e-5 c2(0:nh2)=fac*c1(0:nh2) c2(nh2+1:nh2+nh2-1)=fac*c1(nfft1-nh2+1:nfft1-1) call four2a(c2,nfft2,1,1,1) !Backward FFT nspsd=nsps8/ndown nz=npts8/ndown p=0. i0=5*nspsd do i=0,nz-1 z=sum(c2(max(i-(nspsd-1),0):i)) !Integrate p(i0+i)=real(z)**2 + aimag(z)**2 !Symbol power at freq=0 ! write(51,3001) i,p(i) enddo iz=85*nspsd fac0=1.0/69.0 fac1=1.0/16.0 lagmax=13*nspsd do lag=0,lagmax ss=0. do i=0,iz-1 if(isync(1+i/nspsd).eq.1) then ss=ss + fac1*p(i+lag) !Add the sync powers else ss=ss - fac0*p(i+lag) !Subtract the non-sync powers endif enddo write(52,3001) lag,ss 3001 format(i5,f12.3) enddo return end subroutine test9