subroutine recvpkt(iarg) ! Receive timf2 packets from Linrad and stuff data into array id(). ! (This routine runs in a background thread and will never return.) parameter (NSZ=2*60*96000) real*8 d8(NSZ) integer*1 userx_no,iusb integer*2 nblock,nblock0 integer txnow logical first real*8 center_freq,buf8 common/plrscom/center_freq,msec,fqso,iptr,nblock,userx_no,iusb,buf8(174) include 'datcom.f90' include 'gcom1.f90' include 'gcom2.f90' equivalence (id,d8) data nblock0/0/,first/.true./,kb/1/,npkt/0/,nw/0/ data sqave/0.0/,u/0.001/,rxnoise/0.0/,kbuf/1/,lost_tot/0/ data multicast0/-99/ save 1 call setup_rsocket(multicast) !Open socket for multicast/unicast data nreset=-1 k=0 nsec0=-999 fcenter=144.125 !Default (startup) frequency) multicast0=multicast 10 if( go to 1 call recv_pkt(center_freq) fcenter=center_freq ! Wait for an even minute to start accepting Rx data. if(nsec0.eq.-999) then if(mod(msec/1000,60).ne.0) go to 10 nsec0=-998 endif isec=sec_midn() imin=isec/60 if((monitoring.eq.0) .or. (lauto.eq.1 .and. mod(imin,2).eq.(1-TxFirst))) then first=.true. ! If we're transmitting and were previously receiving in this minute, ! switch buffers to prepare for the next Rx minute. if(lauto.eq.1 .and. mod(imin,2).eq.(1-TxFirst) .and. nreset.eq.1) then nreset=0 kb=3-kb k=0 if(kb.eq.2) k=NSMAX lost_tot=0 ndone1=0 ndone2=0 endif go to 10 endif ! If we get here, we're in Rx mode lost=nblock-nblock0-1 if( .and. .not.first) then nb=nblock if( nb=nb+65536 nb0=nblock0 if( nb0=nb0+65536 lost_tot=lost_tot + lost ! Insert zeros for the lost data. do i=1,174*lost k=k+1 d8(k)=0 enddo endif nblock0=nblock nsec=msec/1000 if(mod(nsec,60).eq.1) nreset=1 ! If this is the start of a new minute, switch buffers if(mod(nsec,60).eq.0 .and. nreset.eq.1) then nreset=0 kb=3-kb k=0 if(kb.eq.2) k=NSMAX lost_tot=0 ndone1=0 ndone2=0 endif if(kb.eq.1 .and. (k+174).gt.NSMAX) go to 20 if(kb.eq.2 .and. (k+174).gt.2*NSMAX) go to 20 sq=0. do i=1,174 k=k+1 d8(k)=buf8(i) k2=k n=1 if( then k2=k2-NSMAX n=2 endif sq=sq + float(int(id(1,k2,n)))**2 + float(int(id(1,k2,n)))**2 + & float(int(id(1,k2,n)))**2 + float(int(id(1,k2,n)))**2 enddo sqave=sqave + u*(sq-sqave) rxnoise=10.0*log10(sqave) - 48.0 kxp=k if( .or. then print*,'Error in recvpkt: ',k,NSZ,NSMAX stop endif ! The following may be a bad idea because it uses non-reentrant Fortran I/O ??? if(mode.eq.'Measur') then npkt=npkt+1 if( then npkt=0 nw=nw+1 rewind 11 write(11,1000) nw,rxnoise 1000 format(i6,f8.2) write(11,*) '$EOF' call flushqqq(11) ndecdone=1 write(24,1000) nw,rxnoise endif else nw=0 endif 20 if( then mutch=nsec/3600 mutcm=mod(nsec/60,60) mutc=100*mutch + mutcm ns=mod(nsec,60) nsec0=nsec ! See if it's time to start FFTs if( .and. ndone1.eq.0) then nutc=mutc fcenter=center_freq kbuf=kb kk=k ndiskdat=0 ndone1=1 endif ! See if it's time to start second stage of processing if( .and. ndone2.eq.0) then kk=k ndone2=1 nlost=lost_tot ! Save stats for printout endif endif first=.false. go to 10 end subroutine recvpkt