#include "WorkedBefore.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Configuration.hpp" #include "revision_utils.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "qt_helpers.hpp" #include "pimpl_impl.hpp" #include "moc_WorkedBefore.cpp" using namespace boost::multi_index; // hash function for QString members in hashed indexes inline std::size_t hash_value (QString const& s) { return std::hash {} (s); } // // worked before set element // struct worked_entry { explicit worked_entry (QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& band , QString const& mode, QString const& country, AD1CCty::Continent continent , int CQ_zone, int ITU_zone) : call_ {call} , grid_ {grid} , band_ {band} , mode_ {mode} , country_ {country} , continent_ {continent} , CQ_zone_ {CQ_zone} , ITU_zone_ {ITU_zone} { } QString call_; QString grid_; QString band_; QString mode_; QString country_; AD1CCty::Continent continent_; int CQ_zone_; int ITU_zone_; }; bool operator == (worked_entry const& lhs, worked_entry const& rhs) { return lhs.continent_ == rhs.continent_ // check 1st as it is fast && lhs.CQ_zone_ == rhs.CQ_zone_ // ditto && lhs.ITU_zone_ == rhs.ITU_zone_ // ditto && lhs.call_ == rhs.call_ // check the rest in decreasing && lhs.grid_ == rhs.grid_ // domain size order to shortcut && lhs.country_ == rhs.country_ // differences as quickly as possible && lhs.band_ == rhs.band_ && lhs.mode_ == rhs.mode_; } std::size_t hash_value (worked_entry const& we) { std::size_t seed {0}; boost::hash_combine (seed, we.call_); boost::hash_combine (seed, we.grid_); boost::hash_combine (seed, we.band_); boost::hash_combine (seed, we.mode_); boost::hash_combine (seed, we.country_); boost::hash_combine (seed, we.continent_); boost::hash_combine (seed, we.CQ_zone_); boost::hash_combine (seed, we.ITU_zone_); return seed; } #if !defined (QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM) QDebug operator << (QDebug dbg, worked_entry const& e) { QDebugStateSaver saver {dbg}; dbg.nospace () << "worked_entry(" << e.call_ << ", " << e.grid_ << ", " << e.band_ << ", " << e.mode_ << ", " << e.country_ << ", " << e.continent_ << ", " << e.CQ_zone_ << ", " << e.ITU_zone_ << ')'; return dbg; } #endif // less then predidate for the Continent enum class, needed for // ordered indexes struct Continent_less { bool operator () (AD1CCty::Continent lhs, AD1CCty::Continent rhs) const { return static_cast (lhs) < static_cast (rhs); } }; // index tags struct call_mode_band {}; struct call_band {}; struct grid_mode_band {}; struct grid_band {}; struct entity_mode_band {}; struct entity_band {}; struct continent_mode_band {}; struct continent_band {}; struct CQ_zone_mode_band {}; struct CQ_zone_band {}; struct ITU_zone_mode_band {}; struct ITU_zone_band {}; // set with multiple ordered unique indexes that allow for optimally // efficient determination of various categories of worked before // status typedef multi_index_container< worked_entry, indexed_by< // basic unordered set constraint - we don't need duplicate worked entries hashed_unique>, // // The following indexes are used to discover worked before stuff. // // They are ordered so as to support partial lookups and // non-unique because container inserts must be valid for all // indexes. // // call+mode+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member, member > >, // call+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member > >, // grid+mode+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member, member > >, // grid+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member > >, // country+mode+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member, member > >, // country+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member > >, // continent+mode+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member, member >, composite_key_compare, std::less > >, // continent+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member >, composite_key_compare > >, // CQ-zone+mode+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member, member > >, // CQ-zone+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member > >, // ITU-zone+mode+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member, member > >, // ITU-zone+band ordered_non_unique, composite_key, member > > > > worked_before_database_type; namespace { auto const logFileName = "wsjtx_log.adi"; // Exception class suitable for using with QtConcurrent across // thread boundaries class LoaderException final : public QException { public: LoaderException (std::exception const& e) : error_ {e.what ()} {} QString error () const {return error_;} void raise () const override {throw *this;} LoaderException * clone () const override {return new LoaderException {*this};} private: QString error_; }; QString extractField (QString const& record, QString const& fieldName) { int fieldNameIndex = record.indexOf ('<' + fieldName + ':', 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (fieldNameIndex >=0) { int closingBracketIndex = record.indexOf('>',fieldNameIndex); int fieldLengthIndex = record.indexOf(':',fieldNameIndex); // find the size delimiter int dataTypeIndex = -1; if (fieldLengthIndex >= 0) { dataTypeIndex = record.indexOf(':',fieldLengthIndex+1); // check for a second : indicating there is a data type if (dataTypeIndex > closingBracketIndex) dataTypeIndex = -1; // second : was found but it was beyond the closing > } else { throw LoaderException (std::runtime_error {QCoreApplication::translate ("WorkedBefore", "Invalid ADIF field %0: %1").arg (fieldName).arg (record).toLocal8Bit ()}); } if (closingBracketIndex > fieldNameIndex && fieldLengthIndex > fieldNameIndex && fieldLengthIndex < closingBracketIndex) { int fieldLengthCharCount = closingBracketIndex - fieldLengthIndex -1; if (dataTypeIndex >= 0) fieldLengthCharCount -= 2; // data type indicator is always a colon followed by a single character QString fieldLengthString = record.mid(fieldLengthIndex+1,fieldLengthCharCount); int fieldLength = fieldLengthString.toInt(); if (fieldLength > 0) { return record.mid(closingBracketIndex+1,fieldLength); } } else { throw LoaderException (std::runtime_error {QCoreApplication::translate ("WorkedBefore", "Malformed ADIF field %0: %1").arg (fieldName).arg (record).toLocal8Bit ()}); } } return QString {}; } worked_before_database_type loader (QString const& path, AD1CCty const * prefixes) { worked_before_database_type worked; QFile inputFile {path}; if (inputFile.exists ()) { if (inputFile.open (QFile::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream in {&inputFile}; QString buffer; bool pre_read {false}; int end_position {-1}; // skip optional header record do { buffer += in.readLine () + '\n'; if (buffer.startsWith (QChar {'<'})) // denotes no header { pre_read = true; } else { end_position = buffer.indexOf ("", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); } } while (!in.atEnd () && !pre_read && end_position < 0); if (!pre_read) // found header { if (end_position < 0) { throw LoaderException (std::runtime_error {QCoreApplication::translate ("WorkedBefore", "Invalid ADIF header").toLocal8Bit ()}); } buffer.remove (0, end_position + 5); } while (!in.atEnd ()) { end_position = buffer.indexOf ("", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); do { if (!in.atEnd () && end_position < 0) { buffer += in.readLine () + '\n'; } } while ((end_position = buffer.indexOf ("", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) < 0 && !in.atEnd ()); if (end_position >= 0) // require valid ADIF record // with terminator { auto record = buffer.left (end_position + 5).trimmed (); auto next_record = buffer.indexOf (QChar {'<'}, end_position + 5); buffer.remove (0, next_record >=0 ? next_record : buffer.size ()); record = record.mid (record.indexOf (QChar {'<'})); auto call = extractField (record, "CALL"); if (call.size ()) // require CALL field before we // will parse a record { auto const& entity = prefixes->lookup (call); auto mode = extractField (record, "MODE").toUpper (); if (!mode.size () || "MFSK" == mode) { mode = extractField (record, "SUBMODE").toUpper (); } worked.emplace (call.toUpper () , extractField (record, "GRIDSQUARE").left (4).toUpper () // not interested in 6-digit grids , extractField (record, "BAND").toUpper () , mode , entity.entity_name , entity.continent , entity.CQ_zone , entity.ITU_zone); } } } } else { throw LoaderException (std::runtime_error {QCoreApplication::translate ("WorkedBefore", "Error opening ADIF log file for read: %0").arg (inputFile.errorString ()).toLocal8Bit ()}); } } return worked; } } class WorkedBefore::impl final { public: impl (Configuration const * configuration) : configuration_ {configuration} , path_ {QDir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)}.absoluteFilePath (logFileName)} , prefixes_ {configuration} { } void reload () { prefixes_.reload (configuration_); async_loader_ = QtConcurrent::run (loader, path_, &prefixes_); loader_watcher_.setFuture (async_loader_); } Configuration const * configuration_; QString path_; AD1CCty prefixes_; QFutureWatcher loader_watcher_; QFuture async_loader_; worked_before_database_type worked_; }; WorkedBefore::WorkedBefore (Configuration const * configuration) : m_ {configuration} { Q_ASSERT (configuration); connect (&m_->loader_watcher_, &QFutureWatcher::finished, [this] () { QString error; size_t n {0}; try { m_->worked_ = m_->loader_watcher_.result (); n = m_->worked_.size (); } catch (LoaderException const& e) { error = e.error (); } QString cty_ver = m_->prefixes_.version(); LOG_DEBUG(QString{"WorkedBefore::reload: CTY.DAT version %1"}.arg (cty_ver)); Q_EMIT finished_loading (n, cty_ver, error); }); reload (); } QString WorkedBefore::cty_version () const { return m_->prefixes_.version (); } void WorkedBefore::reload () { m_->reload (); } WorkedBefore::~WorkedBefore () { } QString const& WorkedBefore::path () const { return m_->path_; } AD1CCty const * WorkedBefore::countries () const { return &m_->prefixes_; } bool WorkedBefore::add (QString const& call , QString const& grid , QString const& band , QString const& mode , QByteArray const& ADIF_record) { if (call.size ()) { auto const& entity = m_->prefixes_.lookup (call); QFile file {m_->path_}; if (!file.open(QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { return false; } else { QTextStream out {&file}; if (!file.size ()) { auto ts = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("yyyyMMdd HHmmss"); auto ver = version (true); out << // new file QString { "ADIF Export\n" "3.1.1\n" "%0\n" "WSJT-X\n" "%2\n" "" }.arg (ts).arg (ver.size ()).arg (ver) << #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) endl #else Qt::endl #endif ; } out << ADIF_record << " " << #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) endl #else Qt::endl #endif ; } m_->worked_.emplace (call.toUpper (), grid.left (4).toUpper (), band.toUpper (), mode.toUpper () , entity.entity_name, entity.continent, entity.CQ_zone, entity.ITU_zone); } return true; } bool WorkedBefore::country_worked (QString const& country, QString const& mode, QString const& band) const { if (mode.size ()) { if (band.size ()) { return country.size () && m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (country, mode.toUpper (), band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return country.size () && m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (country, mode.toUpper ())); } } else { if (band.size ()) { return country.size () && m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (country, band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return country.size () && m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (country); } } } bool WorkedBefore::grid_worked (QString const& grid, QString const& mode, QString const& band) const { auto gridsquare = grid.left (4).toUpper (); if (m_->configuration_->highlight_only_fields ()) { // can't use a direct set find operation or a set operation with // a (CompatibleKey, CompatibleCompare) concept so we must // partially scan the index auto range = boost::make_iterator_range ( m_->worked_.get ().lower_bound (gridsquare.left (2)) , m_->worked_.get ().upper_bound (gridsquare.left (2) + "99")); for (worked_entry const& worked : range) { if ((!mode.size () || mode.toUpper () == worked.mode_) && (!band.size () || worked.band_ == band.toUpper ())) { return true; } } } else { if (mode.size ()) { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (gridsquare, mode.toUpper (), band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (gridsquare, mode.toUpper ())); } } else { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (gridsquare, band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (gridsquare); } } } return false; } bool WorkedBefore::call_worked (QString const& call, QString const& mode, QString const& band) const { if (mode.size ()) { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (call.toUpper (), mode.toUpper (), band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (call.toUpper (), mode.toUpper ())); } } else { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (call.toUpper (), band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (call.toUpper ())); } } } bool WorkedBefore::continent_worked (Continent continent, QString const& mode, QString const& band) const { if (mode.size ()) { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (continent, mode.toUpper (), band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (continent, mode.toUpper ())); } } else { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (continent, band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (continent); } } } bool WorkedBefore::CQ_zone_worked (int CQ_zone, QString const& mode, QString const& band) const { if (mode.size ()) { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (CQ_zone, mode.toUpper (), band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (CQ_zone, mode.toUpper ())); } } else { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (CQ_zone, band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (CQ_zone); } } } bool WorkedBefore::ITU_zone_worked (int ITU_zone, QString const& mode, QString const& band) const { if (mode.size ()) { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (ITU_zone, mode.toUpper (), band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (ITU_zone, mode.toUpper ())); } } else { if (band.size ()) { return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (std::make_tuple (ITU_zone, band.toUpper ())); } else { // partial key lookup return m_->worked_.get ().end () != m_->worked_.get ().find (ITU_zone); } } }