subroutine spec2d(data,jz,nstep,s2,nchan,nz,psavg0,sigma) C Computes 2d spectrogram for FSK441 single-tone search and waterfall C display. parameter (NFFT=256) parameter (NR=NFFT+2) parameter (NH=NFFT/2) parameter (NQ=NFFT/4) real data(jz) real s2(nchan,nz) real x(NR) real w1(7),w2(7) real psavg(128) real psavg0(128) real ps2(128) complex c(0:NH) common/acom/a1,a2,a3,a4 common/fcom/s(3100),indx(3100) equivalence (x,c) save df=11025.0/NFFT C Compute the 2d spectrogram s2(nchan,nz). Note that in s2 the frequency C bins are shifted down 5 bins from their natural positions. call set(0.0,psavg,NH) do n=1,nz j=1 + (n-1)*nstep call move(data(j),x,NFFT) call xfft(x,NFFT) sum=0. do i=1,NQ s2(i,n)=real(c(5+i))**2 + aimag(c(5+i))**2 sum=sum+s2(i,n) enddo s(n)=sum/NQ C Accumulate average spectrum for the whole file. do i=1,nh psavg0(i) = psavg0(i)+ real(c(i))**2 + aimag(c(i))**2 enddo enddo C Normalize and save a copy of psavg0 for plotting. Roll off the C spectrum at 300 and 3000 Hz. do i=1,nh psavg0(i)=3.e-5*psavg0(i)/nz f=df*i fac=1.0 if( fac=f/300.0 if( fac=max(0.00333,(3300.0-f)/300.0) psavg0(i)=(fac**2)*psavg0(i) enddo C Compute an average spectrum from the weakest 25% of time slices. call indexx(nz,s,indx) call zero(ps2,NQ) do j=1,nz/4 k=indx(j) do i=1,NQ ps2(i+5)=ps2(i+5)+s2(i,k) enddo enddo ps2(1)=ps2(5) ps2(2)=ps2(5) ps2(3)=ps2(5) ps2(4)=ps2(5) sum=0. do i=6,59 sum=sum+ps2(i) enddo if(sum.eq.0.0) then sigma=-999. go to 999 endif C Compute a smoothed spectrum without local peaks, and find its max. smaxx=0. do i=4,NQ sum=0. do k=1,7 w1(k)=ps2(i+k-4) sum=sum+w1(k) enddo ave=sum/7.0 if( .and. i.le.58) then call pctile(w1,w2,7,50,base) ave=0.25*(w2(1)+w2(2)+w2(3)+w2(4)) endif psavg(i)=ave smaxx=max(psavg(i),smaxx) enddo C Save scale factors for flattening spectra of pings. a1=1.0 a2=psavg(nint(2*441/df))/psavg(nint(3*441/df)) a3=psavg(nint(2*441/df))/psavg(nint(4*441/df)) a4=psavg(nint(2*441/df))/psavg(nint(5*441/df)) afac=4.0/(a1+a2+a3+a4) a1=afac*a1 a2=afac*a2 a3=afac*a3 a4=afac*a4 C Normalize 2D spectrum by the average based on weakest 25% of time C slices, smoothed, and with local peaks removed. do i=1,NQ do j=1,nz s2(i,j)=s2(i,j)/max(psavg(i+5),0.01*smaxx) enddo enddo C Find average of active spectral region, over the whole file. sum=0. do i=9,52 do j=1,nz sum=sum+s2(i,j) enddo enddo sigma=sum/(44*nz) 999 return end