program plrr ! Pseudo-Linrad "Receive" program integer*1 userx_no,iusb integer*2 nblock,nblock0 real*8 center_freq,buf8 logical first common/plrscom/center_freq,msec,fselect,iptr,nblock,userx_no,iusb,buf8(174) data first/.true./ call setup_rsocket ns0=-99 nlost=0 10 call recv_pkt(center_freq) lost=nblock-nblock0-1 if( .and. .not.first) then nb=nblock if( nb=nb+65536 nb0=nblock0 if( nb0=nb0+65536 print*,'Lost packets:',nb,nb0,lost nlost=nlost + lost ! Insert zeros for the lost data. ! do i=1,174*lost ! k=k+1 ! d8(k)=0 ! enddo first=.false. nlost=nlost+lost endif nblock0=nblock ns=mod(msec/1000,60) if( write(*,1010) ns,center_freq,0.001*msec,sec_midn(),nlost 1010 format('ns:',i3,' f0:',f10.3,' t1:',f10.3,' t2:',f10.3,i8) ns0=ns go to 10 end program plrr ! To compile: % gfortran -o plrr plrr.f90 plrr_subs.c real function sec_midn() real*8 sec8,hrtime sec_midn=secnds(0.0) return end function sec_midn subroutine sleep_msec(n) use dflib call sleepqq(n) return end subroutine sleep_msec