subroutine packprop(k,muf,ccur,cxp,n1) ! Pack propagation indicators into a 21-bit number. ! k k-index, 0-9; 10="N/A" ! muf muf, 2-60 MHz; 0=N/A, 1="none", 61=">60 MHz" ! ccur up to two current events, each indicated by single ! or double letter. ! cxp zero or one expected event, indicated by single or ! double letter character ccur*4,cxp*2 j=ichar(ccur(1:1))-64 if( j=0 n1=j do i=2,4 if(ccur(i:i).eq.' ') go to 10 if(ccur(i:i).eq.ccur(i-1:i-1)) then n1=n1+26 else j=ichar(ccur(i:i))-64 if( j=0 n1=53*n1 + j endif enddo 10 j=ichar(cxp(1:1))-64 if( j=0 if(cxp(2:2).eq.cxp(1:1)) j=j+26 n1=53*n1 + j n1=11*n1 + k n1=62*n1 + muf return end subroutine packprop