// Status=review Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-based systems including Raspbian: * 32-bit: {debian32} - To install: + [example] sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_{VERSION}_i386.deb - Uninstall: + [example] sudo dpkg -P wsjtx * 64-bit: {debian64} - To install: + [example] sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_{VERSION}_amd64.deb * 64-bit: {raspbian} - To install: + [example] sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_{VERSION}_armhf.deb - Uninstall: + [example] sudo dpkg -P wsjtx You may also need to execute the following commands in a terminal: [example] sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia5-plugins libqt5serialport5 sudo apt-get install libfftw3-single3 Fedora, Red Hat, and other rpm-based systems: * 32-bit: {fedora32} - To install: + [example] sudo rpm -i wsjtx-{VERSION}-i686.rpm - Uninstall: + [example] sudo rpm -e wsjtx * 64-bit: {fedora64} - To install: + [example] sudo rpm -i wsjtx-{VERSION}-x86_64.rpm - Uninstall: + [example] sudo rpm -e wsjtx You may also need to execute the following commands in a terminal: [example] sudo yum install fftw-libs-single qt5-qtmultimedia qt5-qtserialport