subroutine genjtms3a(chansym,nsym,iwave,nwave) integer*1 chansym(nsym) integer*2 iwave(30*48000) real x(0:6191),x2(0:6191) complex c(0:3096),c2(0:6191) !Could be 0:3096 ??? equivalence (x,c),(x2,c2) do j=1,nsym !Define the baseband signal i0=24*(j-1) !24 samples per symbol x(i0:i0+23)=2*chansym(j)-1 enddo nfft=24*nsym fac=1.0/nfft x(0:nfft-1)=fac*x(0:nfft-1) call four2a(x,nfft,1,-1,0) !Forward r2c FFT ! Apply lowpass filter fc=1200.0 bw=200.0 df=48000.0/nfft nh=nfft/2 c2=0. ib=2000.0/df do i=0,ib f=i*df g=1.0 if( then xx=(f-fc)/bw g=exp(-xx*xx) endif c2(i)=g*c(i) enddo call four2a(c2,nfft,1,1,-1) !Inverse c2r FFT nf0=nint(1500.0/df) f0=nf0*df twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) dphi=twopi*f0/48000.0 phi=0. peak=0. sq=0. do i=0,nfft-1 phi=phi+dphi if( phi=phi-twopi y=cos(phi) x2(i)=y*x2(i) sq=sq + x2(i)**2 if(abs(x2(i)).gt.peak) peak=abs(x2(i)) enddo rms=sqrt(sq/nfft) ! print*,rms,peak,peak/rms fac=32767.0/peak do i=0,nfft-1 iwave(i+1)=fac*x2(i) enddo nwave=30*48000 nrpt=nwave/nfft do n=2,nrpt ib=n*nfft ia=ib-nfft+1 iwave(ia:ib)=iwave(1:nfft) enddo return end subroutine genjtms3a