subroutine spec9f(id2,npts,nsps,s1,jz,nq) ! Compute symbol spectra at quarter-symbol steps. integer*2 id2(0:npts) real s1(nq,jz) real x(960) complex c(0:480) equivalence (x,c) nfft=2*nsps !FFTs at twice the symbol length nh=nfft/2 do j=1,jz ia=(j-1)*nsps/4 ib=ia+nsps-1 if( exit x(1:nh)=id2(ia:ib) x(nh+1:)=0. call four2a(x,nfft,1,-1,0) !r2c k=mod(j-1,340)+1 do i=1,NQ s1(i,j)=1.e-10*(real(c(i))**2 + aimag(c(i))**2) enddo enddo !### Reference spectrum should be applied here (or possibly earlier?) ### !### Normalize so that rms (or level?) is 1.0 ? ### return end subroutine spec9f