// Status=review .Main Window: - Select *FT4* on the *Mode* menu. - Double-click on *Erase* to clear both text windows. .Wide Graph Settings: - *Bins/Pixel* = 7, *Start* = 100 Hz, *N Avg* = 1 - Adjust the width of the Wide Graph window so that the upper frequency limit is approximately 4000 Hz. .Open a Wave File: - Select *File | Open* and navigate to +...\save\samples\FT4\000000_000002.wav+. The waterfall and Band Activity window should look something like the following screen shots. This sample file was recorded during a practice contest test session, so most of the decoded messages use the *RTTY Roundup* message formats. [[X15]] image::ft4_waterfall.png[align="left",alt="Wide Graph Decode FT4"] image::ft4_decodes.png[align="left"] - Click with the mouse anywhere on the waterfall display. The green Rx frequency marker will jump to your selected frequency, and the Rx frequency control on the main window will be updated accordingly. - Do the same thing with the *Shift* key held down. Now the red Tx frequency marker and its associated control on the main window will follow your frequency selections. - Do the same thing with the *Ctrl* key held down. Now the both colored markers and both spinner controls will follow your selections. - Now double-click on any of the the lines of decoded text in the Band Activity window. Any line will show similar behavior, setting Rx frequency to that of the selected message and leaving Tx frequency unchanged. To change both Rx and Tx frequencies, hold *Ctrl* down when double-clicking. TIP: To avoid QRM from competing callers, it is frequently desirable to answer a CQ on a different frequency from that of the CQing station. The same is true when you tail-end another QSO. Choose a Tx frequency that appears to be not in use. You might want to check the box *Hold Tx Freq*. TIP: Keyboard shortcuts *Shift+F11* and *Shift+F12* provide an easy way to move your FT4 Tx frequency down or up in 90 Hz steps. IMPORTANT: When finished with this Tutorial, don't forget to re-enter your own callsign as *My Call* on the *Settings | General* tab.