subroutine fox_tx(maxtimes,fail,called,gcalled,hm,fm,ntimes,log,logit) ! Determine fm, the next message for Fox to transmit in this slot character*32 fm character*22 hm character*4 g4,MyGrid,gcalled,gx,gy character*6 MyCall,called,cx,cy character*16 log logical isgrid,logit data MyCall/'KH1DX'/,MyGrid/'AJ10'/ save isgrid(g4)=g4(1:1).ge.'A' .and. g4(1:1).le.'R' .and. g4(2:2).ge.'A' .and. & g4(2:2).le.'R' .and. g4(3:3).ge.'0' .and. g4(3:3).le.'9' .and. & g4(4:4).ge.'0' .and. g4(4:4).le.'9' .and. g4(1:4).ne.'RR73' logit=.false. n=len(trim(hm)) g4="" if( g4=hm(n-3:n) call random_number(r) if( .and. .not.isgrid(g4)) hm="" !Fox failed to copy i2=len(trim(hm)) if( then i1=index(hm,' ') i3=index(hm(i1+1:),' ') + i1 cx=hm(i1+1:i3) gx=hm(i2-3:i2) i4=index(hm,MyCall) ! Check for a new caller if(i4.eq.1 .and. isgrid(gx)) then call random_number(r) isent=nint(-20+40*r) write(fm,1002) cx,MyCall,isent 1002 format(a6,1x,a6,i4.2) if(fm(15:15).eq.' ') fm(15:15)='+' called=cx gcalled=gx endif log='' ! Check for message with R+rpt if(i4.eq.1 .and. cx.eq.called .and. & (index(hm,'R+').ge.8 .or. index(hm,'R-').ge.8)) then write(log,1006) called,gcalled,isent !Format a log entry 1006 format(a6,2x,a4,i4.2) if(log(14:14).eq.' ') log(14:14)='+' logit=.true. call dxped_fifo(cy,gy,isnry) ! If FIFO is empty we should call CQ in this slot ntimes=1 write(fm,1008) cx,cy,isnry 1008 format(a6,' RR73; ',a6,1x,'<KH1DX>',i4.2) if(fm(29:29).eq.' ') fm(29:29)='+' called=cy gcalled=gy endif endif if(hm.eq.'') then if(fm(1:3).ne.'CQ ') then ! if( then ntimes=ntimes+1 ! else ! ntimes=1 ! If FIFO is empty we should call CQ in this slot ! call dxped_fifo(cy,gy,isnry) ! call random_number(r) ! isnr=nint(-20+40*r) ! write(fm,1010) cy,gy,isnr write(fm,1010) called,MyCall,isent 1010 format(a6,1x,a6,i4.2) if(fm(15:15).eq.' ') fm(15:15)='+' ! endif endif endif ! Collapse multiple blanks in message iz=len(trim(fm)) do iter=1,5 ib2=index(fm(1:iz),' ') if( exit fm=fm(1:ib2)//fm(ib2+2:) iz=iz-1 enddo ! Generate waveform for fm return end subroutine fox_tx