path-constant SELF : . ; import path ; import package ; import os ; local ext = "" ; if [ os.on-windows ] || [ os.on-vms ] { ext = ".exe" ; } package.install boost-build-engine boost-build : # properties : # binaries b2$(ext) bjam$(ext) ; local e1 = [ path.glob-tree $(SELF)/example : * : . .svn ] ; local e2 ; for e in $(e1) { e = [ path.native $(e) ] ; if [ CHECK_IF_FILE $(e) ] { e2 += $(e) ; } } package.install-data boost-build-core : # Which subdir of $prefix/share boost-build : # What to install $(SELF)/boost-build.jam $(SELF)/src/build-system.jam [ path.glob-tree $(SELF)/src/build : *.jam *.py ] [ path.glob-tree $(SELF)/src/kernel : *.jam *.py ] [ path.glob-tree $(SELF)/src/util : *.jam *.py ] [ path.glob-tree $(SELF)/src/tools : *.jam *.py *.xml *.xsl *.doxyfile *.hpp ] $(e2) : # What is the root of the directory . ; alias install : boost-build-engine boost-build-core ;