subroutine getpfx1(callsign,k,nv2) character*12 callsign0,callsign,lof,rof character*8 c character addpfx*8,tpfx*4,tsfx*3 logical ispfx,issfx,invalid common/pfxcom/addpfx include 'pfx.f' callsign0=callsign nv2=0 iz=index(callsign,' ') - 1 if( iz=12 islash=index(callsign(1:iz),'/') k=0 c=' ' if( .and. islash.le.(iz-4)) then ! Add-on prefix c=callsign(1:islash-1) callsign=callsign(islash+1:iz) do i=1,NZ if(pfx(i)(1:4).eq.c) then k=i go to 10 endif enddo if(addpfx.eq.c) then k=449 go to 10 endif else if(islash.eq.(iz-1)) then ! Add-on suffix c=callsign(islash+1:iz) callsign=callsign(1:islash-1) do i=1,NZ2 if(sfx(i).eq.c(1:1)) then k=400+i go to 10 endif enddo endif 10 if( .and.k.eq.0) then ! Original JT65 would force this compound callsign to be treated as ! plain text. In JT65v2, we will encode the prefix or suffix into nc1. ! The task here is to compute the proper value of k. lof=callsign0(:islash-1) rof=callsign0(islash+1:) llof=len_trim(lof) lrof=len_trim(rof) ispfx=( .and. llof.le.4) issfx=( .and. lrof.le.3) invalid=.not.(ispfx.or.issfx) if(ispfx.and.issfx) then if( issfx=.false. if( ispfx=.false. if(ispfx.and.issfx) then i=ichar(callsign0(islash-1:islash-1)) if('0') .and. i.le.ichar('9')) then issfx=.false. else ispfx=.false. endif endif endif if(invalid) then k=-1 else if(ispfx) then tpfx=lof(1:4) k=nchar(tpfx(1:1)) k=37*k + nchar(tpfx(2:2)) k=37*k + nchar(tpfx(3:3)) k=37*k + nchar(tpfx(4:4)) nv2=1 i=index(callsign0,'/') callsign=callsign0(:i-1) callsign=callsign0(i+1:) endif if(issfx) then tsfx=rof(1:3) k=nchar(tsfx(1:1)) k=37*k + nchar(tsfx(2:2)) k=37*k + nchar(tsfx(3:3)) nv2=2 i=index(callsign0,'/') callsign=callsign0(:i-1) endif endif endif return end