// Status=review //Needs work! .JT9 Protocol and Implementation JT9 is a mode designed for making minimal QSOs at LF, MF, and HF. It uses 72-bit structured messages that are nearly identical (at the user level) to those in JT65. Error control coding (ECC) uses a strong convolutional code with constraint length K=32, rate r=1/2, and a zero tail, leading to an encoded message length of (72+31) × 2 = 206 information-carrying bits. Modulation is 9-FSK: eight tones are used for data, one for synchronization. Sixteen symbol intervals are devoted to synchronization, so a transmission requires a total of 206 / 3 + 16 = 85 (rounded up) channel symbols. The sync symbols are those numbered 1, 2, 5, 10, 16, 23, 33, 35, 51, 52, 55, 60, 66, 73, 83, and 85 in the transmitted sequence. Each symbol lasts for 6912 sample intervals at 12000 samples per second, or about 0.576 s. Tone spacing of the 9-FSK modulation is 12000/6912 = 1.736 Hz, the inverse of the symbol duration. The total occupied bandwidth is therefore 9 × 1.736 = 15.6 Hz. The generated JT9 signal has continuous phase and constant amplitude. There are no key clicks, and the transmitter's power amplifier need not be highly linear. .Transmitting Immediately before the start of a transmission WSJT-X encodes a user’s message and computes the sequence of tones to be sent. The transmitted audio waveform is computed on-the-fly, using 16-bit integer samples at a 48000 Hz rate. The digital samples are converted to an analog waveform in the sound card (or equivalent D/A interface). .Receiving and Decoding WSJT-X acquires 16-bit integer samples from the sound card at a 48000 Hz rate, and immediately downsamples the data stream to 12000 Hz. Spectra from overlapping data segments are computed for the waterfall display and saved at intervals of 0.188 s, half the JT9 symbol length. As shown in screen shots earlier in this guide, a JT9 signal appears in the *Cumulative* spectrum as a nearly rectangular shape about 16 Hz wide. Although there is no clearly visible “sync tone” like the one at the low-frequency edge of a JT65 signal, by convention the nominal frequency of a JT9 signal is taken to be that of the lowest tone, at the left edge of the spectrum. At the end of a reception sequence, about 50 seconds into the UTC minute, received data samples are forwarded to the decoder. For operator convenience the decoder goes through its full procedure twice: first at the selected Rx frequency, and then in the full displayed frequency range (or in JT9+JT65 mode, the displayed range above the blue *JT65 nnnn JT9* marker). Decoding of clean JT9 signals in a white-noise background starts to fail around signal-to-noise ratio –25 dB and reaches 50% copy at -26 dB. Each decoding pass can be described as a sequence of discrete blocks. For those wishing to study the program’s algorithms and source code, perhaps with an eye toward future improvements, the blocks are labeled here with the names of functional procedures in the code. sync9: Use sync symbols to find candidate JT9 signals in the specified frequency range Then, at the frequency of each plausible candidate: downsam9: Mix, filter and downsample to 16 complex samples/symbol peakdt9: Using sync symbols, time-align to start of JT9 symbol sequence afc9: Measure frequency offset and any possible drift twkfreq: Remove frequency offset and drift symspec2: Compute 8-bin spectra for 69 information-carrying symbols, using the time- and frequency-aligned data; transform to yield 206 single-bit soft symbols interleave9: Remove single-bit symbol interleaving imposed at the transmitter decode9: Retrieve a 72-bit user message using the sequential Fano algorithm for convolutional codes unpackmsg: Unpack a human-readable message from the 72-bit compressed format With marginal or unrecognizable signals the sequential Fano algorithm can take exponentially long times. If the first step in the above sequence finds many seemingly worthy candidate signals, and if many of them turn out to be undecodable, the decoding loop could take a very long time. For this reason the decode9 step is programmed to “time out” and report failure if it takes too long. The choices *Fast | Normal | Deepest* on the Decode menu provide a three-step adjustment of this timeout limit.