subroutine syncmsk144(cdat,npts,pchk_file,msgreceived,fest,nutc,t0) !nutc and t0 are for debug output use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc,c_size_t use packjt use hashing use timer_module, only: timer parameter (NSPM=864) character*22 msgreceived character*512 pchk_file,gen_file complex cdat(npts) !Analytic signal complex cdat2(npts) complex c(NSPM) complex ctmp(6000) complex cb(42) !Complex waveform for sync word complex cfac,cca,ccb complex cc(npts) complex cc1(npts) complex cc2(npts) complex bb(6) integer s8(8),hardbits(144),hardword(128),unscrambledhardbits(128) integer*1, target:: i1Dec8BitBytes(10) integer, dimension(1) :: iloc integer*4 i4Dec6BitWords(12) integer*1 decoded(80) integer*1 i1hashdec integer ipeaks(10) logical ismask(6000) real cbi(42),cbq(42) real tonespec(6000) real rcw(12) real dd(npts) real pp(12) !Half-sine pulse shape real*8 dt, df, fs, pi, twopi real softbits(144) real*8 unscrambledsoftbits(128) real lratio(128) logical first data first/.true./ data s8/0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0/ save first,cb,pi,twopi,dt,s8,rcw,pp if(first) then i=index(pchk_file,".pchk") gen_file=pchk_file(1:i-1)//".gen" call init_ldpc(trim(pchk_file)//char(0),trim(gen_file)//char(0)) ! define half-sine pulse and raised-cosine edge window pi=4d0*datan(1d0) twopi=8d0*datan(1d0) dt=1.0/12000.0 do i=1,12 angle=(i-1)*pi/12.0 pp(i)=sin(angle) rcw(i)=(1-cos(angle))/2 enddo ! define the sync word waveform s8=2*s8-1 cbq(1:6)=pp(7:12)*s8(1) cbq(7:18)=pp*s8(3) cbq(19:30)=pp*s8(5) cbq(31:42)=pp*s8(7) cbi(1:12)=pp*s8(2) cbi(13:24)=pp*s8(4) cbi(25:36)=pp*s8(6) cbi(37:42)=pp(1:6)*s8(8) cb=cmplx(cbi,cbq) first=.false. endif ! Coarse carrier frequency sync ! look for tones near 2k and 4k in the (analytic signal)**2 spectrum ! search range for coarse frequency error is +/- 100 Hz fs=12000.0 nfft=6000 !using a zero-padded fft to get 2 Hz bins df=fs/nfft ctmp=cmplx(0.0,0.0) ctmp(1:npts)=cdat**2 ctmp(1:12)=ctmp(1:12)*rcw ctmp(npts-11:npts)=ctmp(npts-11:npts)*rcw(12:1:-1) call four2a(ctmp,nfft,1,-1,1) tonespec=abs(ctmp)**2 ismask=.false. ismask(1901:2101)=.true. ! high tone search window iloc=maxloc(tonespec,ismask) ihpk=iloc(1) ah=tonespec(ihpk) ismask=.false. ismask(901:1101)=.true. ! window for low tone iloc=maxloc(tonespec,ismask) ilpk=iloc(1) al=tonespec(ilpk) fdiff=(ihpk-ilpk)*df ferrh=(ihpk-2001)*df/2.0 ferrl=(ilpk-1001)*df/2.0 if( abs(fdiff-2000) .le. 16.0 ) then if( ah .ge. al ) then ferr=ferrh else ferr=ferrl endif else msgreceived=' ' phase0=-97 !-97 is failed carrier sync, -98 failure to decode, -99 decoded, bad hash niterations=0 ndither=0 i1hashdec=0 fest=0.0 i1Dec8BitBytes=0 nbadsync1=-1 nbadsync2=-1 goto 999 endif ! remove coarse freq error - should now be within a few Hz call tweak1(cdat,npts,-(1500+ferr),cdat) ! attempt frame synchronization ! correlate with sync word waveforms - the resulting complex ! correlations provide all synch information. cc=0 cc1=0 cc2=0 do i=1,npts-(56*6+41) cc1(i)=sum(cdat(i:i+41)*conjg(cb)) cc2(i)=sum(cdat(i+56*6:i+56*6+41)*conjg(cb)) enddo cc=cc1+cc2 dd=abs(cc1)*abs(cc2) ! Find 5 largest peaks do ipk=1,5 iloc=maxloc(abs(cc)) ic1=iloc(1) iloc=maxloc(dd) ic2=iloc(1) ipeaks(ipk)=ic2 dd(max(1,ic2-7):min(npts-56*6-41,ic2+7))=0.0 enddo ! See if we can find "closed brackets" - a pair of peaks that differ by 864, plus or minus ! This information is not yet used for anything ! do ii=1,5 ! do jj=ii+1,5 ! if( (ii .ne. jj) .and. (abs( abs(ipeaks(ii)-ipeaks(jj))-864) .le. 5) ) then ! write(*,*) "closed brackets: ",ii,jj,ipeaks(ii),ipeaks(jj),abs(ipeaks(ii)-ipeaks(jj)) ! endif ! enddo ! enddo do ipk=1,5 ! we want ic to be the index of the first sample of the frame ic0=ipeaks(ipk) ! fine adjustment of sync index ! bb lag used to place the sampling index at the center of the eye do i=1,6 if( ic0+11+NSPM .le. npts ) then bb(i) = sum( ( cdat(ic0+i-1+6:ic0+i-1+6+NSPM:6) * conjg( cdat(ic0+i-1:ic0+i-1+NSPM:6) ) )*2 ) else bb(i) = sum( ( cdat(ic0+i-1+6:npts:6) * conjg( cdat(ic0+i-1:npts-6:6) ) )*2 ) endif enddo iloc=maxloc(abs(bb)) ibb=iloc(1) bba=abs(bb(ibb)) if( ibb .le. 3 ) ibb=ibb-1 if( ibb .gt. 3 ) ibb=ibb-7 do id=1,3 ! slicer dither if( id .eq. 1 ) is=0 if( id .eq. 2 ) is=-1 if( id .eq. 3 ) is=1 ! Adjust frame index to place peak of bb at desired lag ic=ic0+ibb+is if( ic .lt. 1 ) ic=ic+864 ! Estimate fine frequency error. ! Should a larger separation be used when frames are averaged? cca=sum(cdat(ic:ic+41)*conjg(cb)) if( ic+56*6+41 .le. npts ) then ccb=sum(cdat(ic+56*6:ic+56*6+41)*conjg(cb)) cfac=ccb*conjg(cca) ferr2=atan2(imag(cfac),real(cfac))/(twopi*56*6*dt) else ccb=sum(cdat(ic-88*6:ic-88*6+41)*conjg(cb)) cfac=cca*conjg(ccb) ferr2=atan2(imag(cfac),real(cfac))/(twopi*88*6*dt) endif ! Final estimate of the carrier frequency - returned to the calling program fest=1500+ferr+ferr2 ! Remove fine frequency error call tweak1(cdat,npts,-ferr2,cdat2) ! place the beginning of frame at index NSPM+1 cdat2=cshift(cdat2,ic-(NSPM+1)) do iav=1,7 ! Try each of the three frames individually, and then ! do frame averaging on passes 4 and 5 if( 0 .eq. 1 ) then if( iav .eq. 1 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 2 ) then c=cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 3 ) then c=cdat2(2*NSPM+1:npts) elseif( iav .eq. 4 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM)+cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 5 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM)+cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 6 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM)+cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 7 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM)+cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 8 ) then c=cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM)+cdat2(2*NSPM+1:npts) elseif( iav .eq. 9 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM)+cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM)+cdat2(2*NSPM+1:npts) endif endif if( iav .eq. 1 ) then c(1:NSPM)=cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM) !avg 1 frame to the right of ic elseif( iav .eq. 2 ) then c=cdat2(NSPM-431:NSPM+432) !1 frame centered on ic c=cshift(c,-432) elseif( iav .eq. 3 ) then !1 frame to the left of ic c=cdat2(1:NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 4 ) then c=cdat2(NSPM+432:NSPM+432+863) !1 frame beginning 36ms to the right of ic c=cshift(c,432) elseif( iav .eq. 5 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM)+cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM) elseif( iav .eq. 6 ) then c=cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM)+cdat2(2*NSPM+1:npts) elseif( iav .eq. 7 ) then c=cdat2(1:NSPM)+cdat2(NSPM+1:2*NSPM)+cdat2(2*NSPM+1:npts) endif ! Estimate final frequency error and carrier phase. cca=sum(c(1:1+41)*conjg(cb)) ccb=sum(c(1+56*6:1+56*6+41)*conjg(cb)) cfac=ccb*conjg(cca) ffin=atan2(imag(cfac),real(cfac))/(twopi*56*6*dt) phase0=atan2(imag(cca+ccb),real(cca+ccb)) cfac=cmplx(cos(phase0),sin(phase0)) c=c*conjg(cfac) ! sample to get softsamples ! do i=1,72 ! softbits(2*i-1)=imag(c(1+(i-1)*12)) ! softbits(2*i)=real(c(7+(i-1)*12)) ! enddo ! matched filter softbits(1)=sum(imag(c(1:6))*pp(7:12))+sum(imag(c(864-5:864))*pp(1:6)) softbits(2)=sum(real(c(1:12))*pp) do i=2,72 softbits(2*i-1)=sum(imag(c(1+(i-1)*12-6:1+(i-1)*12+5))*pp) softbits(2*i)=sum(real(c(7+(i-1)*12-6:7+(i-1)*12+5))*pp) enddo hardbits=0 do i=1,144 if( softbits(i) .ge. 0.0 ) then hardbits(i)=1 endif enddo nbadsync1=(8-sum( (2*hardbits(1:8)-1)*s8 ) )/2 nbadsync2=(8-sum( (2*hardbits(1+56:8+56)-1)*s8 ) )/2 nbadsync=nbadsync1+nbadsync2 if( nbadsync .gt. 4 ) cycle ! this could be used to count the number of hard errors that were corrected hardword(1:48)=hardbits(9:9+47) hardword(49:128)=hardbits(65:65+80-1) unscrambledhardbits(1:127:2)=hardword(1:64) unscrambledhardbits(2:128:2)=hardword(65:128) ! normalize the softsymbols before submitting to decoder sav=sum(softbits)/144 s2av=sum(softbits*softbits)/144 ssig=sqrt(s2av-sav*sav) softbits=softbits/ssig sigma=0.65 lratio(1:48)=softbits(9:9+47) lratio(49:128)=softbits(65:65+80-1) lratio=exp(2.0*lratio/(sigma*sigma)) unscrambledsoftbits(1:127:2)=lratio(1:64) unscrambledsoftbits(2:128:2)=lratio(65:128) max_iterations=20 max_dither=50 call ldpc_decode(unscrambledsoftbits, decoded, max_iterations, niterations, max_dither, ndither) if( niterations .ge. 0.0 ) then goto 778 endif enddo enddo enddo msgreceived=' ' phase0=-98 i1hashdec=0 goto 999 778 continue ! The decoder found a codeword - compare decoded hash with calculated ! Collapse 80 decoded bits to 10 bytes. Bytes 1-9 are the message, byte 10 is the hash do ibyte=1,10 itmp=0 do ibit=1,8 itmp=ishft(itmp,1)+iand(1,decoded((ibyte-1)*8+ibit)) enddo i1Dec8BitBytes(ibyte)=itmp enddo ! Calculate the hash using the first 9 bytes. ihashdec=nhash(c_loc(i1Dec8BitBytes),int(9,c_size_t),146) ihashdec=2*iand(ihashdec,255) ! Compare calculated hash with received byte 10 - if they agree, keep the message. i1hashdec=ihashdec if( i1hashdec .eq. i1Dec8BitBytes(10) ) then ! Good hash --- unpack 72-bit message do ibyte=1,12 itmp=0 do ibit=1,6 itmp=ishft(itmp,1)+iand(1,decoded((ibyte-1)*6+ibit)) enddo i4Dec6BitWords(ibyte)=itmp enddo call unpackmsg(i4Dec6BitWords,msgreceived) else msgreceived=' ' phase0=-99 endif 999 continue ! write(78,1001) nutc,t0,iav,ipk,is,fdiff,fest,ffin,nbadsync1,nbadsync2, & ! phase0,niterations,ndither,i1hashdec,i1Dec8BitBytes(10),msgreceived !1001 format(i6,f8.2,i4,i4,i4,f8.2,f8.2,f8.2,i4,i4,f8.2,i4,i4,i4,i4,2x,a22) return end subroutine syncmsk144