program wsprdpsksim ! Generate simulated data for a 2-minute "WSPR-DPSK" mode. Output is saved ! to a *.c2 or *.wav file. use wavhdr include 'wsprdpsk_params.f90' !Set various constants parameter (NMAX=120*12000) type(hdr) hwav !Header for .wav file character arg*12,fname*16 character msg*22,msgsent*22 complex c0(0:NMAX/NDOWN-1) complex c(0:NMAX/NDOWN-1) complex c0wav(0:NMAX-1) complex cwav(0:NMAX-1) real*8 fMHz integer imessage(NN) integer*2 iwave(NMAX) !Generated full-length waveform ! Get command-line argument(s) nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: wsprdpsksim "message" f0 DT fsp del nwav nfiles snr' print*,'Example: wsprdpsksim "K1ABC FN42 30" 50 0.0 0.1 1.0 1 10 -33' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,msg) !Message to be transmitted call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) f0 !Freq relative to WSPR-band center (Hz) call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) xdt !Time offset from nominal (s) call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) fspread !Watterson frequency spread (Hz) call getarg(5,arg) read(arg,*) delay !Watterson delay (ms) call getarg(6,arg) read(arg,*) nwav !1 for *.wav file, 0 for *.c2 file call getarg(7,arg) read(arg,*) nfiles !Number of files call getarg(8,arg) read(arg,*) snrdb !SNR_2500 twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) pi=twopi/2.0 fs=12000.0/NDOWN dt=1.0/fs !Sample interval (s) tt=NSPS*dt !Duration of "itone" symbols (s) baud=1.0/tt !Keying rate for "itone" symbols (baud) txt=NZ*dt !Transmission length (s) bandwidth_ratio=2500.0/(fs/2.0) sig=sqrt(bandwidth_ratio) * 10.0**(0.05*snrdb) if( sig=1.0 txt=NN*NSPS0/12000.0 call genwsprdpsk(msg,msgsent,imessage) !Encode the message, get itone imessage=2*imessage-1 write(*,1000) f0,xdt,txt,snrdb,fspread,delay,nfiles,msgsent 1000 format('f0:',f9.3,' DT:',f6.2,' txt:',f6.1,' SNR:',f6.1, & ' fspread:',f6.1,' delay:',f6.1,' nfiles:',i3,2x,a22) beta=1.0 ! excess bandwidth if(nwav.eq.0) then df=fs/(NMAX/NDOWN) ! c=0 bw=(1+beta)*baud/2.0 bf=(1-beta)*baud/2.0 iw=bw/df if=bf/df c(0:if-1)=1.0 if( then do i=if,iw c(i)=((1.0+cos(pi*(i-if)/(iw-if)))/2.0)**0.5 enddo endif c(NMAX/NDOWN-1:NMAX/NDOWN-iw:-1)=c(1:iw) istart=xdt/dt c0=0.0 do i=1,NN c0(istart+(i-1)*200)=imessage(i) enddo call four2a(c0,NMAX/NDOWN,1,1,1) c0=c0*conjg(c) ic=f0/df c0=cshift(c0,ic) call four2a(c0,NMAX/NDOWN,1,-1,1) xx=sum(abs(c0(istart:istart+NN*200-1)**2))/(NN*200) c0=c0/sqrt(xx) call sgran() do ifile=1,nfiles c=c0 if( fspread .ne. 0.0 .or. delay .ne. 0.0 ) then call watterson(c,NMAX/NDOWN,fs,delay,fspread) endif c=c*sig if( then do i=0,NMAX/NDOWN-1 !Add gaussian noise at specified SNR xnoise=gran() ynoise=gran() c(i)=c(i) + cmplx(xnoise,ynoise) enddo endif snrtest=sum(abs(c(istart:istart+NN*200-1)**2))/(NN*200)/2.0-1.0 write(*,*) 'sample SNR: ',10*log10(snrtest)+10*log10(0.4/2.5) write(fname,1100) ifile 1100 format('000000_',i4.4,'.c2') open(10,file=fname,status='unknown',access='stream') fMHz=10.1387d0 nmin=2 write(10) fname,nmin,fMHz,c !Save to *.c2 file close(10) enddo else fs=12000.0 df=fs/NMAX dt=1/fs bandwidth_ratio=2500.0/(fs/2.0) sig=sqrt(2*bandwidth_ratio) * 10.0**(0.05*snrdb) if( sig=1.0 cwav=0 bw=(1+beta)*baud/2.0 bf=(1-beta)*baud/2.0 iw=bw/df if=bf/df cwav(0:if-1)=1.0 if( then do i=if,iw cwav(i)=((1.0+cos(pi*(i-if)/(iw-if)))/2.0)**0.5 enddo endif cwav(NMAX-1:NMAX-iw:-1)=cwav(1:iw) istart=xdt/dt c0wav=0.0 do i=1,NN c0wav(istart+(i-1)*200*NDOWN)=imessage(i) enddo call four2a(c0wav,NMAX,1,1,1) c0wav=c0wav*conjg(cwav) ic=f0/df c0wav=cshift(c0wav,-ic) call four2a(c0wav,NMAX,1,-1,1) xx=sum(abs(c0wav(istart:istart+NN*200*NDOWN-1))**2)/(NN*200*NDOWN) c0wav=c0wav/sqrt(xx) write(*,*) 'Peak power: ',maxval(abs(c0wav)**2) write(*,*) 'Average power: ',sum(abs(c0wav(istart:istart+NN*200*NDOWN-1))**2)/(NN*200*NDOWN) call sgran() do ifile=1,nfiles cwav=c0wav if( fspread .ne. 0.0 .or. delay .ne. 0.0 ) then call watterson(cwav,NMAX,fs,delay,fspread) endif cwav=cwav*sig if( then do i=1,NMAX !Add gaussian noise at specified SNR xnoise=gran() iwave(i)=100*(real(cwav(i-1)) + xnoise) enddo endif snrtest=sum(real(iwave(istart:istart+NN*200*NDOWN-1)**2)/(NN*200*NDOWN))/100.0**2-1 write(*,*) 'sample SNR: ',10*log10(snrtest)+10*log10(6.0/2.5) hwav=default_header(12000,NMAX) write(fname,1102) ifile 1102 format('000000_',i4.4,'.wav') open(10,file=fname,status='unknown',access='stream') write(10) hwav,iwave !Save to *.wav file close(10) enddo endif write(*,1110) ifile,xdt,f0,snrdb,fname 1110 format(i4,f7.2,f8.2,f7.1,2x,a16) 999 end program wsprdpsksim