// Status=review .Main Window: - Select *FT8* on the *Mode* menu. - Set Tx and Rx frequencies to 1200 Hz. - Double-click on *Erase* to clear both text windows. .Wide Graph Settings: - *Bins/Pixel* = 4 - Adjust the width of the Wide Graph window so that the upper frequency limit is approximately 2500 Hz. .Open a Wave File: - Select *File | Open* and navigate to +...\save\samples\FT8\170709_135615.wav+. The waterfall should look something like this: [[X15]] image::170709_135615.wav.png[align="left",alt="Wide Graph Decode 170709_135615"] - You should see decodes of the three FT8 signals in the *Band Activity* text box, as shown below: image::ft8_decodes.png[align="left"] IMPORTANT: When finished with this Tutorial, don’t forget to re-enter your own callsign as *My Call* on the *Settings | General* tab.