#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2004 Aleksey Gurtovoy # Copyright 2006 Rene Rivera # Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Vladimir Prus # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) set -e # Capture the version revision=`svnversion .` echo "SVN Revision $revision" >> timestamp.txt date >> timestamp.txt # Remove unnecessary top-level files find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | egrep -v "boost-build.jam|timestamp.txt|roll.sh|bootstrap.jam|build-system.jam|boost_build.png|index.html|hacking.txt|site-config.jam|user-config.jam|bootstrap.sh|bootstrap.bat|Jamroot.jam" | xargs rm -f # Build the documentation touch doc/jamroot.jam export BOOST_BUILD_PATH=`pwd` ./bootstrap.sh cd doc ../bjam --v2 ../bjam --v2 pdf cp `find bin -name "*.pdf"` ../.. mv ../../standalone.pdf ../../userman.pdf cp ../../userman.pdf . rm -rf bin cd .. rm bjam # Get the boost logo. wget http://boost.sf.net/boost-build2/boost.png # Adjust the links, so they work with the standalone package perl -pi -e 's%../../../boost.png%boost.png%' index.html perl -pi -e 's%../../../doc/html/bbv2.html%doc/html/index.html%' index.html perl -pi -e 's%../../../doc/html/bbv2.installation.html%doc/html/bbv2.installation.html%' index.html # Make packages find . -name ".svn" | xargs rm -rf rm roll.sh chmod a+x engine/build.bat cd .. && zip -r boost-build.zip boost-build && tar --bzip2 -cf boost-build.tar.bz2 boost-build # Copy packages to a location where they are grabbed for beta.boost.org cp userman.pdf boost-build.zip boost-build.tar.bz2 ~/public_html/boost_build_nightly cd boost-build chmod -R u+w * # Upload docs to sourceforge x=`cat < EOF` echo $x perl -pi -e "s||$x|" index.html `find doc -name '*.html'` scp -r doc example boost_build.png *.html hacking.txt vladimir_prus,boost@web.sourceforge.net:/home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/boost-build2 scp ../userman.pdf vladimir_prus,boost@web.sourceforge.net:/home/groups/b/bo/boost/htdocs/boost-build2/doc