subroutine pack77_1(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Check Type 1 (Standard 77-bit message) and Type 2 (ditto, with a "/P" call) parameter (MAXGRID4=32400) character*13 w(19),c13 character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 character*4 grid4 character c1*1,c2*2 logical is_grid4 logical ok1,ok2 is_grid4(grid4)=len(trim(grid4)).eq.4 .and. & grid4(1:1).ge.'A' .and. grid4(1:1).le.'R' .and. & grid4(2:2).ge.'A' .and. grid4(2:2).le.'R' .and. & grid4(3:3).ge.'0' .and. grid4(3:3).le.'9' .and. & grid4(4:4).ge.'0' .and. grid4(4:4).le.'9' if( .or. return call chkcall(w(1),bcall_1,ok1) call chkcall(w(2),bcall_2,ok2) if(w(1)(1:3).eq.'DE ' .or. w(1)(1:3).eq.'CQ_' .or. w(1)(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .or. & w(1)(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') ok1=.true. if(w(1)(1:1).eq.'<' .and. index(w(1),'>').ge.5) ok1=.true. if(w(2)(1:1).eq.'<' .and. index(w(2),'>').ge.5) ok2=.true. if(.not.ok1 .or. .not.ok2) return if(nwords.eq.2 .and. (.not.ok2 .or. index(w(2),'/').ge.2)) return if(nwords.eq.2) go to 10 c1=w(nwords)(1:1) c2=w(nwords)(1:2) if(.not.is_grid4(w(nwords)(1:4)) .and.'+' .and.'-' & .and.'R+' .and.'R-' .and. trim(w(nwords)).ne.'RRR' .and. & trim(w(nwords)).ne.'RR73' .and. trim(w(nwords)).ne.'73') return if(c1.eq.'+' .or. c1.eq.'-') then ir=0 read(w(nwords),*) irpt irpt=irpt+35 else if(c2.eq.'R+' .or. c2.eq.'R-') then ir=1 read(w(nwords)(2:),*) irpt irpt=irpt+35 else if(trim(w(nwords)).eq.'RRR') then ir=0 irpt=2 else if(trim(w(nwords)).eq.'RR73') then ir=0 irpt=3 else if(trim(w(nwords)).eq.'73') then ir=0 irpt=4 endif ! 1 WA9XYZ/R KA1ABC/R R FN42 28 1 28 1 1 15 74 Standard msg ! 2 PA3XYZ/P GM4ABC/P R JO22 28 1 28 1 1 15 74 EU VHF contest 10 if(nwords.eq.2 .or. nwords.eq.3 .or. (nwords.eq.4 .and. & w(3)(1:2).eq.'R ')) then n3=0 i3=1 !Type 1: Standard message, possibly with "/R" if(index(w(1),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(2),'/P').ge.4) i3=2 !Type 2, with "/P" endif c13=bcall_1//' ' if(c13(1:3).eq.'CQ_' .or. w(1)(1:1).eq.'<') c13=w(1) call pack28(c13,n28a) c13=bcall_2//' ' if(w(2)(1:1).eq.'<') c13=w(2) call pack28(c13,n28b) ipa=0 ipb=0 if(index(w(1),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(1),'/R').ge.4) ipa=1 if(index(w(2),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(2),'/R').ge.4) ipb=1 grid4=w(nwords)(1:4) if(is_grid4(grid4)) then ir=0 if(w(3).eq.'R ') ir=1 j1=(ichar(grid4(1:1))-ichar('A'))*18*10*10 j2=(ichar(grid4(2:2))-ichar('A'))*10*10 j3=(ichar(grid4(3:3))-ichar('0'))*10 j4=(ichar(grid4(4:4))-ichar('0')) igrid4=j1+j2+j3+j4 else igrid4=MAXGRID4 + irpt endif if(nwords.eq.2) then ir=0 irpt=1 igrid4=MAXGRID4+irpt endif write(c77,1000) n28a,ipa,n28b,ipb,ir,igrid4,i3 1000 format(2(b28.28,b1),b1,b15.15,b3.3) return end subroutine pack77_1