subroutine pack77_4(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Check Type 3 (One nonstandard call and one hashed call) integer*8 n58 logical ok1,ok2 character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 character*13 call_1,call_2 character*11 c11 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 character*38 c data c/' 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'/ if(nwords.eq.2 .or. nwords.eq.3) then call_1=w(1) if(call_1(1:1).eq.'<') call_1=w(1)(2:len(trim(w(1)))-1) call_2=w(2) if(call_2(1:1).eq.'<') call_2=w(2)(2:len(trim(w(2)))-1) call chkcall(call_1,bcall_1,ok1) call chkcall(call_2,bcall_2,ok2) if(trim(w(1)).eq.'CQ' .or. (ok1.and.ok2)) then if(trim(w(1)).eq.'CQ' .and. len(trim(w(2))).le.4) go to 900 i3=4 n3=0 icq=0 if(trim(w(1)).eq.'CQ') icq=1 endif if(icq.eq.1) then iflip=0 n12=0 c11=adjustr(call_2(1:11)) else if(w(1)(1:1).eq.'<') then iflip=0 n12=ihashcall(w(1),12) call hash12(n12,w(1),0) !Save this hash and its callsign c11=adjustr(call_2(1:11)) else if(w(2)(1:1).eq.'<') then iflip=1 n12=ihashcall(w(2),12) call hash12(n12,w(2),0) !Save this hash and its callsign c11=adjustr(call_1(1:11)) endif n58=0 do i=1,11 n58=n58*38 + index(c,c11(i:i)) - 1 enddo nrpt=0 if(trim(w(3)).eq.'RRR') nrpt=1 if(trim(w(3)).eq.'RR73') nrpt=2 if(trim(w(3)).eq.'73') nrpt=3 if(icq.eq.1) then iflip=0 nrpt=0 endif write(c77,1010) n12,n58,iflip,nrpt,icq,i3 1010 format(b12.12,b58.58,b1,b2.2,b1,b3.3) endif 900 return end subroutine pack77_4